22 - 30 January 2019
We invite artists to take part in the exhibition of contemporary Ukrainian artists, which will be held in the gallery "Mityts" (Kiev, V. Vasilkivska St., 12) from January 22 to 30, 2019.
Information by phone. (044) 234 - 40 -06.
On December 14, 2018, in the gallery "The Mystery", a presentation of the exhibition of painting "4 SEASONS", the dynasties of Kyiv artists Panas Titenko, Olena Yakovenko Oksana Tytenko and Artem Andreychuk (Kaffelman) will take place in the gallery.
Panas Titenko - has the talent to see the treasure in simplicity and simplicity in diversity. By mastering improvisation, he can decompose the image into simple elements, on a few basic bright relationships of color and light, so that the space, mass, and movement can be woven from them immediately.
Painting Olena Yakovenko is a vibration of air and light, restraint and integrity, sensuality and fragility. Lyrical works of a realistic nature with a tangible manifestation of interest in impressionism.
In dynamic, expressive paintings of Oksana Titenko noticeable appeal to the expressiveness of post-impressionism and special attention to the emotionalcolor.
Artem Andreychuk (Kaffelman) is a painter who experiments in painting, combining completely different styles and techniques. The starting point in his work is the Western art of the 60's.
On November 21 at 17-00 we will open an exhibition of works by teachers of art educational institutions of Kyiv. His works will be presented by Natalia Tsarinova, Alexei Ovcharenko, Tetyana Filatova-Shevchenko, Alexander Shynkaruk, Natalia Tyapko, Alexander Sviridov, Svetlana Sviridova, Andriyan Babyuk, Oleksii Omelchenko, Maxim Mikhailuk, Irina Pshenychna.
The exhibition will be open every day from 11:00 to 19:00 until November 30 inclusive. Saturday and Sunday until 18-00 gallery
We invite everyone who loves the art of Ukrainian artists!
21.08 - 16-00 in the gallery "MYTETS" the traditional exhibition of the section of decorative and applied art of Kiev (art glass, ceramics, metal, textiles, etc.) was opened.
The exhibition is dedicated to the DAY OF INDEPENDENCE.
21.08 - 1.09.2018
The exhibition "Painting as a way of life" will be opened at the artist's gallery "The artist" (Kyiv, V.Vasilkivska St., 12) on August 10 at 5 pm. The exhibition will feature works of the famous Kyiv artist Anatoly Tertychny and his students - Avdalova Viktoria , Avdalova Victoria (m.), Vorotina Victoria, Galagan Oksana, Grushko Katerina, Kokut Ruslana, Kochubei Irina, Lust Kosimi, Makinich Lizy, Nagornoi Anna, Natsevich Valentina, Paschenko Oksana, Anna Fishermen, Sabadozha Sasha, Alexander Tatarchuk, Shorin Alla, Yakimenko Darya, Yakimenko Polina, Yakimenko Yuli her
The exhibition is open every day from 11-00 to 19-00, on Saturday - until 18-00, on Sunday - the weekend.
On August 1 at 17-00 we open an exhibition of the famous Kiev artist Igor Vyshynsky.
"Igor Vyshynsky is a bright page of Ukrainian graphic art, a book illustration of the end of the 20th century. Phenomenal working capacity, encyclopedic knowledge of the material culture of the world, fine humor and iro. On August 1 at 17-00 we open an exhibition of the famous Kiev artist Igor Vyshynsky.
"Igor Vyshynsky is a bright page of Ukrainian graphic art, a book illustration of the late twentieth century, phenomenal ability to work, encyclopedic knowledge of the material culture of the world, subtle humor and irony, an absolute sense of literary material - every publication, with its illustrations, makes an event in cultural life. is appropriate now, when the Ukrainian book is again reborn, and is interesting for young artists and the general public. "
Sergey Yakutovich, 2006
The exhibition will work daily from 11-00 to 19-00, on Saturday to 18-00, Sunday - the weekend.
Exhibition "K ART ON" Dmytro Filatov
On July 12, at 18-00, Kyiv artist Dmytro Filatov will present his new personal exhibition "K ART ON" in the Art Gallery "Art Gallery" (Kyiv, V. Vasilkivska Str., 12). The exhibition presents the project, which consists of a series of graphic works "Summer Stopped", "Speeches", "The Way", made on a cardboard in a completely new modern sound.
Dmytro Filatov from a cohort of philosophers who share their impressions with the spectator not so much from the outside world, but from the received feelings. He manages contemporary art to reveal the life-long problems of self-perfection and self-sacrifice, unlimited spiritual freedom.
The exhibition will last from July 12 to July 20, weekend is Sunday. Tel. (044) 234 40 06
The curator of the exhibition is Anna Lavrekha and Ann Gallery
22 - 10/31/2015 - The Kyiv Organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Solo exhibition by Leonid Morozov - PAINTING

12 - 20 of October 2015 - Welcome to the exhibition of "Watercolour" by artist Lubov Tkach. Gallery "Artist"

22.06 - 30.06. 2015 - invite artists participated in the exhibition MODERN UKRAINIAN ARTISTS GALLERY "MITETS." FREE THEME! Tel. For more information call 234-40-06
May 22 at 17:00 - Opening of the exhibition Helen Pavlenko and Dmitry Korsun. GALLERY "MITETS"

02.04 - 09.04.2015
From 2 to April 9, 2015 at the Art Gallery "Artist" (st. Red Army, 12) will be an exhibition of Kyiv artist Ruslan Kutnyaka. The project, which the author presents the discretion of the public called "Seasons and Elements." Gallery of images of famous Ukrainian and world leaders met in bank uncut sheets of notes, opposed the author of the Divine image form - the Shroud of Turin. The audience, according to the artist, is the third active protagonist exposure.
Interestingly, all the notes used by the author, are authentic.
The exhibition is open from 11-00 to 19-00, Saturday and Sunday - to 18-00.

23.03.2015 - 31.03.2015
March 23 at the Art Gallery "Artist" (ul.Krasnoarmeyskaya 12) at 17-00 to open an exhibition "The Artist, Woman and Spring" (painting, drawing, sculpture, decorative arts). His works present Lyudmila Vnuchkova, Galina Bodyakova Tatyana Yurchenko, Viktor Medvedev, Viktor Ivanov, Roman Chudnovsky, Didenko Tatiana, Svyatoslav Denysyuk, Nikolai Sokolov, Vladimir Mykytenko Svyatoslav Saratov. The exhibition will run until March 31.
Gallery is open daily from 11-00 to 19-00, Saturday and Sunday from 11-00 to 18-00.
Tel. 234 -40--06
03.03.2015 - 03.10.2015
Spring exhibition section of decorative art of the Kyiv National Union of Artists of Ukraine. 3-10 March 2015. Opening - March 3 at 17:00
20.01.2015 - 30.01.2015
January 20 at 17-00 gallery "artist" opens exhibition of contemporary Ukrainian artists. His work will be presented Boris Kucher Elena Kucher, Roman Chudnovsky, Storozhuk Olga, Tatiana Yagodkina Marina Anokhin, Irina Kladovo, Hope Chyharskyh Irina Blazhiyevska Paul Vishensky Vladimir Kostyuk Oksana Chahaia, Lara Klimov, Irina Bulgakov
Konstantin Rogotchenko Vladimir Mykytenko Alexander Mikitenko.
The exhibition will feature pictorial, graphic and sculptural works.
The exhibition will run until 30 January.
02. 12. 2014 - 18. 12. 2014
Gallery Artist. Exhibition of graphic works by Natalia Zhuravleva combined with sculptures. The exhibition presents sculptors:M. Bilyk, Brylov S., A. Valiev, Hluhenkyy I., V. Konoval, Kravtsevich V. Margolin, D., A. Maslyk, Hranovskyy Yu, V. Filatov, Tsyupa T.
11. 09. 2014 An exhibition of paintings by great-grandson Taras Shevchenko Kyiv artist Nicholas Lyhoshvy
The exhibition runs until 20 September.
We invite artists to take part in exhibition of works by contemporary artists to be held from 21 to 29 November 2014
TEL. FOR inquiries: 234 40 06.
23. 08. 2014 The exhibition section of artists arts and crafts KONSKHU
Dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine. Congratulations to all on the occasion and welcome to the exhibition!
Conte. phone. 044 234-40-06.
01.08 - 20.08. 2014 International exhibition "The Art of Truth, Compassion, Forbearance"
In the exhibition includes 12 works of artists from the USA, Canada, Japan and Taiwan, only 33 pictures.
The plot show the search for true purpose of human life, the origins of good and zla.Tvory art is not just paintings - a tool by which artists can express the truth.
Depending on the internal state of the artist, painting is filled with power to awaken in man yiyidobru or evil side. Therefore, the inner meaning of pictures - a call, the impulse to compassion, patience, desire for beauty of the human soul, which makes These works of art tsinnistyu.U enduring a period of my life, the artists were introduced to the ancient system of moral and physical improvement of human system of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong). Improving Falun Dafa, they improved their physical and spiritual state, which helped them expand the perception of the world and find the answer to the eternal question of the higher purpose of life and art. Contributions united one common idea - using art to show how beautiful life if you follow her high ideals - Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. As a complete contrast - vkartynah depicted ill persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese regime rozhornuvkomunistychnyy in 1999. Nonfictional heroes paintings defend these ideals affect their fortitude, stability and incredible courage. Many Artists experienced the pain of prison torture chambers, were all zhahyperesliduvannya for their beliefs.
Organizers hope that the exhibition will promote spiritual revival of society, and are confident that these works of art are able to awaken in people their good side.
Org. committee of the exhibition:
Goncharenko Alexander (095) 33 59 262
11. 06 - 20. 06. 2014 yr Gallery "Artist". Exhibition of landscapes and still life Igor Bugaenko
June 11, 2014, in the gallery "Artist", an exhibition of landscape and still life Igor Bugaenko.
In painting and graphic artist inspired by the great masters of the brush and chisel - Nicholas Gluschenko Sergey Shishko Tatiana Yablonsky, Michael Deregus, George Yakutovych Vladimir Kutkin Alexander Danchenko, Anatoly Bazylevych, Michael Romanishyn, creativity are investigated, with whom he met as far as possible their heritage represented by a publisher, journalist, art critic. Reflections on the vicissitudes of the environment in time and space and inner peace flowed in journalistic articles, poetry studies. Actually, the modest attempts at painting and graphic arts - still lifes, landscapes and flowers - it was a kind of refuge, a sort of shell in an enclosed space harmonic, and reverence to perfection neperevershenistyu very nature, a desire to get closer to Truth spodiyanoyi insight in perpetual search of the Firebird, which has never given up arms.
The exhibition runs until June 20.

22.05.2014 -06.10.2014 Exhibition Antonina Pogrebnoy "The Temple Color of Sound"
22 May at 17-00 in the gallery " The Artist " will be an exhibition of paintings Antonina Pogrebnoy " In the temple of sound color ."
The exhibition includes landscapes, still lifes, genre paintings and portraits . The artist works in different techniques but prefers oil painting. Her works have plenernyye emotion perception and freshness of nature. Antonina abhors insincerity on canvas and in relationships with people deeply experiencing the phenomenon of spirituality in all their manifestations. Maybe because of her work - a dynamic life-affirming element, full color and hope , which is harmoniously connected to the material and spiritual world.
The exhibition runs until June 10. Gallery is open from 11-00 to 19-00 , Saturday - 18-00 .
Tel. Inquiries: 044 234-40-06

11. 04. 2014 - 21. 04. 2014 - exhibition "Still Life"
Work Kiev artists Tatiana Dem'yanenko , Antonina Kravtsov , Adrian Haletska , Olga Kovalenko , Natalie Tymokhin , Venus Sabirov Alla Kislyakova , Tatiana Dodsworth , Lydia Datsenko , Boris and Julie Kucera Sedyuk can be seen in the exhibition " Still Life", which opens 11 17-00 April at the gallery " The Artist " ( Red Army Street , 12). Fine lifes executed in different techniques undoubtedly attract the attention of art lovers .
The organizers cordially invite everyone to visit the exhibition, which will run until 21 April from 11-00 to 19-00 , Saturday and Sunday 18-00 .
Inquiries by phone. : 044 234 40 06