Golub Olena Evgenivna

Was born on December 25, 1951 in Kyiv.
Graduated from Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko (1974); Kyiv’s Institute of journalist skills, artist of press (1986). Member of National Union Artist of Ukraine (2003), Hungarian Electrographic Art Association (2019). Awards of the International Competition «Matrices», 2012, 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
She works in the fields of art historian, painting, computer art. Articles in the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine: Graffiti, Epatage, Metamorphism, Media Art, etc in the magazines Ukrainian Art, OM; monograph «The Bright and Gloomy Days of Underground Artists». Kyiv, Antyquary Published House, 2017. Painting «Crow»(1994), «Chupa chups»(2000). The digital art series «Presence»(2007), «Wooden Sunrise»(2010), «Bronze Age, Asphalt Period» (2019) and more.
1. Crow. P., o., 1994
2. Chupa chups. P., o., 2000
3. Skhid tree sun. 2010 (5) Digital friend
4. Composition 2014. Digital hand
5. Bronze Vіk, asphalt period -2018 (10). Digital Hand
6. Bronze vіk, asphalt period -2018 (3). Digital Hand
7. Composition 2007. Digital hand
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