The Department of Culture of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv city state administration) announces the continuation of the competitive selection of works by Kyiv artists and masters of folk art for the first personal exhibitions on the territory of the Kyiv City Art Gallery "Lavra".
Applicants for the organization of exhibitions are young Ukrainians aged from 14 to 35 who at the time of the selection live in the city of Kiev, have never organized an exhibition of their works of artistic and / or folk art and submitted a relevant application to the Department of Culture.
The organization of exhibitions is carried out at the cost of the budget of the city of Kiev on a competitive basis. The duration of the exhibition can not exceed 14 days from the date of its opening.
Exhibitions are held in the following areas:
1) works of contemporary art:
graphics (easel, applied (book and newspaper-magazine), poster, industrial, architectural, computer);
media art;
video art;
2) works of folk art:
sculpture (clay, stone, dough);
ceramics (pottery, tartar, toys);
woodcut (flat, bas-relief, full);
carpet weaving;
decorative plastic (easel painting, wall painting, folk easel painting, folk engraving, carving, etc.);
bone, horn, metal, glass, straw, paper, etc.
Delivery, installation and dismantling of works is carried out at the expense of the winner of the competitive selection.
To participate in the competitive selection, applicants must, no later than 22 October 2018 (inclusive), submit to the Department of Culture
(01004, Kyiv, T. Shevchenko boulevard, 3, room 317, contact phone: (044) 279-71-26, 279-67-58): written application of the established sample; a copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine; creative (artistic) project on paper (2 color photographs of each work of a size not less than 10x15 cm) and electronic media; if necessary, a layout is attached to the project.
The date, time and place of the meeting of the standing commission for the selection of works by Kyiv artists and masters of folk art for the first personal exhibitions will be announced additionally.
The procedure for selecting works of Kiev artists and masters of folk art for the first personal exhibitions can be found on the website of the Department of Culture:, in the section "activities", the tab "exhibitions" - the order of the Department of Culture of the Executive the authority of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv city state administration) dated November 20, 2017, No. 210, registered with the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Kyiv on December 12, 2017, under No. 252/1844 "On Approval of the Procedure for the Selection of Works of Kyiv Crafts priests and masters of folk art for the first personal exhibitions».