Exhibition and the solemn awarding of the prize winners of the CONSXU "Mistress" for 2018
On January 4, 2019, an exhibition and solemn rewarding of the prize winners of the Constellation "Mistress" for 2018 took place in the gallery CONSIO "Mityts".
Laureates of the Constellation Award "The Artist" for 2018:
named after Mikhail Boychuk / section of monumental-decorative art /
Andriyoshko Vasily Dmitrievich
- for the last years;
the name of Fedor Krichevsky / painting section /
Monsiewich Violeta Viktorovna
- for the paintings "Self-portrait" (2018), "Still Life with Pink Flowers" (2019), "Homeland and generanition" (2017 p.).
the name of Mikhail Lysenko / sculpture section /
Gronsky Petr Vladimirovich -
- for the work "Rika", performed at a symposium devoted to O. Archipenko at the VDNH in Kyiv in 2018.
name of Sergey Kolos / section of decorative arts /
Kuta-Chapenko Elena Stepanivna
- for the works of recent years: a towel "Spring", a towel "Solov, a grove", a decorative panel "Composition".
the name of Alexander Danchenko / association of graphic arts artists /
Gordiychuk Valentin Aleksandrovich
- for the recent years.
name of George Narbut / poster section and graphic design /
Shostya Vitaliy Konstantinovich, Batenko Elena Vladimirovna, Koshkina Svitlana Yurevna
- for the development of the design concept, artistic leadership and exhibition version of the project "Taming metaphors" (25 works) in the Workshop of Graphic Design NAOMA.
the name of Plato Biletsky / section of criticism and art studies /
Smirna Lesya Vychaslavovna
- for the book "Non-100" (about nonconformism).
the name of Vasyl Batiushkov / art art section of artistic design and design /
Luchko Valer »Jan Alekseevich
- for the project "Stained Glass in the Interiors" (public building, Kyiv, 2018).
name of Danil Leader / section of theater, cinema and television /
Vakarchuk Alexey Vadimovich
- for scenography, costumes "City" for the works of Valerian Pidmigilny in the Theater of Young Spectator on Lypky, Kyiv, 2018.