The opening of the memorial plaque to B.Oliynyk
Each era gives mankind its unique choices. It is these personalities that include the name of Boris Ilyich Oliynyk, the Hero of Ukraine, the winner of the National Taras Shevchenko Prize, the Honorary Academician of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, a member of the International Slavic Academy, a Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, one of the founders of the Ukrainian Fund of Culture, a poet, a journalist, an honorary citizen of Kiev, sowing truth and justice.
The author of the bas-relief sculptor is a member of the Kiev organization NSHU from the dynasty of Ukrainian artists Eugene E. Karpov. Before us, the bosom is in turn for three quarters, with an eloquent exciting look. Everything in this way tells about a cult figure, a person who has not just a life course, but not tired of struggle, on the contrary, filled with humanity, deep inner strength and beauty.
E.Karpov, a representative of the Kiev Art School, created a bas-relief in a purely realistic style, laying the depth of the philosophical views of the poet, citizen, confessor of the ideas of independent Ukraine. Portrait similarity of the image achieved by high professionalism and the desire to immortalize a person with a capitalization. The original creative worker of Darmitsa, allowed to bring an image of anxious feeling that Boris Oliynyk was always romantic with. Boris Oliynyk not only confidently walked on his long-suffering land, but also professed to mankind the most insolent: love of mother, exaltation of the woman-guardian, responsibility for the state, aspiration for the purity of the Ukrainian language That is why in the image of the poet, the citizen is so much inner strength and spiritual beauty. As the sculptor noted, he worked hard on the concept of representing a person of the leader of the Ukrainian people of the twentieth century.
At the grand opening, numerous communities, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, members of the former Board of the Ukrainian Fund of Culture, formed by B.Oliynyk and D.Yanko, friends, colleagues, widow Tamara Oliynyk, representatives of various public organizations gathered. At the invitation of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.Lyakhotsky, the Most Holy Patriarch Filaret opened and sanctified the memorial plaque of a man with a large letter to Boris Ilyich Oliynyk. Vladika noted the uniqueness of Boris Oliynyk's activity in the cultural, artistic, educational, and public affairs, which in the Soviet times defended Ukrainian culture. "As a deputy to the Supreme Council of Ukraine, Oliynyk spoke out of her podium in defense of free Ukraine, Ukrainian language and culture. May this board remind us and the future generations, about its merits to Ukraine, and that we should remember that in such difficult times such glorious sons of Ukraine were in this. Therefore, Ukraine is and will be ", - said his holy Filaret.
Indeed, for many contemporaries he became an example of uncompromising service to Ukraine, the people, and society. Each line of his poetic heritage, which is more than 40 books, essays, articles, reveals the path of decency and love, no tolerance to evil and falsehood, the desire to enrich the Ukrainian community with significant creative achievements. Sacrificial service, devotion to the cause, professional level of the writer and professor of the purity of the Ukrainian language. He gave himself all to the service of the Ukrainian people, visited the hot spots - on Chernobyl, in military conflict areas of Serbia, Yugoslavia.
"B.Oliynik for many of us is an example of imitation in many respects, because he was an incredibly talented person. When he performed on public holidays, discoveries of monuments, or literary events, we learned from the source of his life wisdom. He awakened national pride and love for his state ", - noted the rector of NAOMA, the winner of the National Prize of T. Shevchenko, the people's artist of Ukraine V. Chebikin.
Ukrainian Fund of Culture was renamed Boris Ilyich and is trying to continue the affairs of its founders, the writer O. Bakumenko told the current head of the organization. So for today's solemn event a concert was prepared on poems by B.Oliynyk, who became the favorite songs of grateful Ukrainians.
For many participants of the celebrations it was to be mentioned from the public activity at the UFC, because the fund really became a real forge of talents. "I am happy that I was next to this outstanding person, he appreciated the gifted people and supported the creativity of many of us, the People's Artist of Ukraine, the owner of the mezzo-soprano Olga Chubareva noted at the celebrations. "For me, exhibitions, and the word on them from Boris Ilyich, were incredible support. Such events turned into holidays of beauty and spiritual cleansing, they were charging us for creativity. He was able to create a high level of artistic activities, and we flew to the fund on the first call of the helmsman, - said the artist Stanislav Lositsky. A poet and publicist of the Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Mikhail Shevchenko, B.Oliynyk valued for the purity of the poetic word, decency and uncompromisingness. Incredibly talented people united around a civic organization, which created the basis for the formation of national identity, culture and spirituality through their creativity. It was here that the smithy of the national cadres came into being, which replenished the Ukrainian community during independence. It is enough to name such All-Ukrainian programs as "Memory", "Folk song, folk art", "T.S. Shevchenko", "New names", which not only grouped people around the history of the Ukrainian people, but also brought up creative abilities, prompted to the beautiful.
Again, the poet and citizen combined people with the power of their authority and humanity of their mission on earth. I hold in my hand a book with the autograph of Boris Ilyich "Standing on the Ground" filled with historical facts, philosophical reflections and care about the fate of the Ukrainian people. The poet reveals his soul, and in a simple verbal palette he confesses spiritual values to the descendants. So in this will, we obtain the landmark of national formation, which is so important in today's turning point in the Ukrainian state-building. Let's recall the poem "Trubizh" from the source of which will be dedicated to more than one generation of the Ukrainian people:
At this limit, there is no place for reels
All small things will dissolve like smoke:
We must become pure before the Word,
Like before the Son in the crown of thorns
And in maternal way holy ...
Valentyna Yefremova art critic, honored worker of culture of Ukraine, holder of the Order of the Holy Martyr Barbara.
Photo by Grigory Lukyanenko.