Each city of Ukraine has its Guardian Angels, coat of arms, rarities, unique landscapes, special architectural structures, monumental works of art. But the real business card is created by people. On the banks of the Dnieper, the sculptural composition of the founders of Kyiv, the brothers Kia, Khoriv, ​​Shchek, and their sister Lybida pleases the eye. (Co-authors architect M. Feshchenko, sculptor V. Boroday, on the occasion of the 1500th anniversary of the founding of Kyiv). And on the mountain cliffs, the city is blessed by Prince Vladimir the Great of Kyiv. The monument was opened in 1853 by architects Alexander Ton, sculptors Vasily Demut Malinovsky and Petro Klod.
Archangel Michael guards us on Independence Square. Just above the Golden Gate - the main gate of ancient Kyiv. The monument of defensive architecture of Kievan Rus is mentioned in the annals under the year 1037. And already at hand is the ancient church of St. Sophia of Kiev (1011-1918), built by Yaroslav the Wise. UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Today we will talk about the unique image of the Mother of God, which is located in the central dome of the oldest temple in Ukraine, St. Sophia of Kiev.
In Ukraine, there was a war and I didn’t dare to pick up creative thoughts. Zhakhittya intrusion of Russia on our blessed land is not invested in the mind and creates a vile camp of anxiety, pain, fury. The Ukrainian people are peace-loving people of peace, peace of mind, gentry, humane values ​​in the spirit of pride. We were taught to work, pray, dbati about our land.
We are united by faith and Christian honesty, let prayer to the Savior eat us in this stormy hour.
Why prayer itself is important at once, the explanation is explained from history.
Mother of God intercessor Oranta - a unique mosaic 11st, height 5.4m, painted at St. Sophia Cathedral. The temple was revitalized for the hours of Yaroslav the Wise. What I read on the Internet, I share.
Oranta is the intercessor of Ukraine. A part of the temple of Sophia of Kiev, where the Mother of God is depicted, is called - An unbreakable wall! To stand out - to stand and Kiev, and Ukraine.
Save us, Mother of God! The unshakable Wall of the Invincible City, to You, Most Holy Theotokos, the Throne of God's Wisdom, we run in moments of hardship: Cover the banks of the Dnieper with your maternal cover, blossom the city streets and human destinies with your mercy.
Remain our faithful protection during the attack of strangers, strengthen the walls of our courage, ignite in us the spirit of brotherhood, be healing for our wounds, the radiance of hope in the twilight of our anxieties. Intercede kindly for us before the throne of the Creator: "God is our refuge and strength" (Ps 46: 2).
May all hostile intentions be broken by the determination of our faith, and may their dark plans burn in the flames of our love for the Ukrainian land and native people. And as long as in the hearts of its inhabitants the truth remains the truth, and the good to the good - "God in the midst of the city, it will not be shaken. God will help him before dawn ”(Ps 46: 6)
We believe in victory, we believe in the armed forces of our Ukrainian army, justice, support for peace and the triumph of justice.
33rd day of the war. Valentina Efremova
(Prayer taken from the Internet as well as photo….)



   Golden Gate




    Monument to the founders of Kyiv