In the middle of autumn

An exhibition under this name was recently held at the Artist Gallery of the Kyiv organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Two polar artists Victor Bariba and Igor Biletsky created an autumn ball of high art.
The winged words of Mark Twain, who said that there are two important days in the life of each of us: the first - when you were born, the second - when you understood why you came into this world. Both artists were born in different years in July, the month when bees collect golden honey filled with exquisite aroma. Igor Vikentovich has the zodiac sign "Cancer", and Victor Ivanovich - "Leo". This year is fateful for those born in July and contributes to the victorious path to Olympus. Both have such traits as fidelity, friendliness, respect for traditions and family values, romance and ability to work. Both are full of creative energy and desire to bring everything to perfection and know why they exist on earth.
The artists graduated from the Kyiv State Art Institute with the workshop of the unique artist Danylo Lider. It was from their mentor that they received an awareness of the meaning of life in the spiritual, not in the material goods. Having received academic knowledge, everyone went their own creative way, but friendly relations of guilt remain throughout life. And here is an exhibition for two with a romantic name "In the middle of autumn".
I. Biletsky presented his works mostly as an artist of theater, film and television. His scripted discoveries can be independent works of art in which a philosophical interpretation of a given theme is raging. We are talking about "Dead Souls", "Inspector" by M. Gogol, "Forest Song" by Lesya Ukrainka, rock opera "Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris", "The Night Before Christmas". Igor Vikentovych is full of artistic discoveries, he is constantly invited to decorate concerts of famous artists of Ukraine. I will quote the words of I. Biletsky from the press release to the exhibition: people on earth. " So the artist introduces us to the world of his fantasies, generously sharing with others the beauty seen, it is important only, as Confucius said, to see it.
Igor Vikentovych fondly talks about the created artistic images, and each conversation is a source of knowledge in the world of beauty. signs, symbols that emphasize the expressiveness of a scene of the play. And next to magnetize our imagination sword, models of program scenes of performances, a chest, which are presented as independent works of art.
At another location of the gallery, his Microcosm was created by the head of the section of artists of theater, film and television KONSHU, Victor Bariba. The beginning of the artist's artistic path is largely connected with his activities in the magazine "Sunflower", "Periwinkle", "Piznayko". Free possession of drawing, composition, the ability to reveal the content of a literary work gave his illustrations a special expressiveness. Almost simultaneously, he decorates such performances as "Pathetic Sonata", "One Hundred Thousand", "Vanity", "Flight over the cuckoo's nest". The natural gift of thinking in artistic images brought the artist on an original artistic path directed into outer space with all its metamorphoses. In the Temple of the Universe of Bariba, a powerful force of philosophical interpretation of the meaning of life is raging. He plunges into the world of space or the depths of the ocean, looking for a way out of his fantasies. Such paintings as "On the Polar Hat", "Winter Pilgrim", "Lost Keys", "Watermelon August", "It's Time to Go Home" and others attract attention. An optimist by nature, Viktor Ivanovich fills his paintings with life-giving energy, which magnetizes the viewer and fills the feelings with joy.
The exhibition presents only a part of the artist's creative directions, among the paintings there is exquisite graphics, which testifies to the perfect academic knowledge of anatomy, composition, drawing. Perhaps that is why his works are characterized by such features as completeness and depth of creative image. The artist claims that time does not exist. Only by looking at the World with the soul can one feel its vibrations and reflect it with one's fantasies. Thus we become branches or leaves of the incomprehensible Tree of Life. Perhaps that is why the perfect artistic images of the artist exist beyond time, exciting with vivid expressiveness.
The works of rearranged artists are characterized by the original author's direction of creative thinking and the uniqueness of the created artistic images. Undoubtedly, such artists are the pride of our union, said the chairman of KONSHU, Honored Artist of Ukraine Viktor Konoval.
Opening the exhibition, the director of the gallery, art critic, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Karina Kravets, emphasized that having felt the accompanying breeze, we are happy to go on a wonderful journey of high art created by original artists.
Valentina Efremova art critic, winner of the award. Platon Biletsky.
Photo by the author