Kutenko Natalia Grigorievna

Krutenko Natalia G.
Born 24. 03. 1955, c. Kyiv.
She graduated from Kyiv Art and Industry College (now the Institute of Decorative Arts. Boychuk), 1976 and Kyiv State Art Institute, Department of Theory and History of Art, 1981. Teachers at the specialty - L. Milyaeva, G. Zavarova, P. Beletsky. The art, artist.
Major works (art history): catalogs "Jacob Padalka" (1990), "Marina Husid" (1991). Books: "Tales of ceramics" (K .: "Lybid", 2002, awarded the project "Ukrainian BEST. Book of the Year" 2002 ", the" Business card. Art criticism and ethnographic research ")," Anne of Kiev. Historical and literary and art intelligence "(K .:" Pulsars ", 2011, received a certificate of Ukrainian rating" book of the year ", the" past ")," Elizabeth Yaroslavna. Queen of the two countries "(K .:" Lybid ", 2015).
Publications: Pottery Ukraine: past and present // OM. - 1989/5; Mezhyhir "I: History of continuation // OM.- 1990/5; Opyshnja pottery // Ukraine. - 1990/1; Spiritual churches Ivan Marchuk // NTE. - 1991/1; // Khanenko Pam 'interest in Ukraine. - 1997/1; Conversation in posudnoy bench // Art Line. - 1997/12; Sergey Gilyarov // Pam 'interest in Ukraine. - 1998 / 1-2, Kyiv Museum of Western and Eastern Art in Kyiv during the German occupation of 1941-1943. // Hanenkivski reading. Proceedings of the conference to the 150th anniversary of B .I.Hanenka. - Kyiv, 1999; "Zvenyt glory in Kiev ..." // World deneh.-2000/3, the question of ancestry Anna Yaroslavna // starovyna.- 2002/1 Kyiv, Kyiv Hermitage // Ukrainian art. - 2003, Luke Kalenychenko - restorer, memory "yatkoohoronets // Kyiv starovyna.- 2005/3 others.
Worked in easel and monumental ceramics. Completed decorative inserts in the technique of painting on ceramic tiles and mosaics for decoration exterior "yeriv houses. Developed a number of Kiev souvenirs (series" Museum of Kyiv "," Architects Kyiv "," Architectural pearl Podil "," Spiritual luminaries Kievan Rus ", etc. ), the coin before the opening of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv Children's Academy of Arts, the 100th anniversary of the Opera House, the Museum opening Khanenko, etc. By the NIS logo restoration Center of Ukraine.
Ceramic works exhibited at numerous All-Union and Republican art exhibition (since 1981), were given to delegates ?H International to "ride Slavic (1983), the Conference on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the reserve" Sophia "(1984), the" ride Writers (1984) with "ride architects (1985) and other measures.
Ceramic pieces are stored in 12 museums in Ukraine and Russia.
Member of the National Union of Artists since 1990.
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