Shpak Vasilii Alekseevich

Born January 14, 1951 in the village Hrabove

Kodimske of speech.

He graduated from the Kyiv State Art Institute

(1977-1983), graphic faculty (teachers of the specialty Selivanov VI, Popov, A. Chebykin).

Works in the field bookplate, easel paintings and graphics.

Member of the National Union of Artists since 1989.


Main exhibitions:

International exhibition of ex libris "Many Religions - God" m. Kyiv, 1994.

Exhibition of Ukrainian bookplate "Kozak Neither shall" is dedicated to the 500-year anniversary of the Cossacks. Ukrainian House, 1991.

Republican art exhibition "Earth and People" Republican pavilion USSR Ministry of Culture, 1984

Republican art exhibition devoted HHVII Congress of the CPSU, HHVII Congress of the Communist Party of Ukraine. Kyiv, 1986

 Republican art exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine" Kyiv, 1987.

 Soviet All-Union Exhibition of Contemporary bookplate "40 Years of Victory in Great Patriotic War 1945-1985 biennium, Moscow, 1985

 XIX International Congress bookplate in Oxford. London, 1982

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