Mykhaylov Ivan Borisovich

Born in 1982 in Kyiv.
Taras Shevchenko State Art College
National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, workshop of monumental painting tutored by Prof. M. Storozhenko
Member of the Youth Association of the Nati2007 is "Art of nations. Youth" Астана, Kazakhstan
2008 are "Artists to Chernivtsi " the Chernivtsi artistic museum
2009 - "Day" after day gallery whipping "Top"
2009 is a festival " L 2" Warstaty Kultury Люблін of Польша
2010 are "Elementary parts" the Kharkiv municipal galleryonal Union of Artists of Ukraine
Probationer Assistant at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture
2006 – “Ukrainian Classical Painting”, “Khlibnya” Art Gallery, Saint Sophia, Kyiv
“Kyiv – Roma”, “Khlibnya” Art Gallery, Saint Sophia, Kyiv
2005 – “Ukrainian Painting”, Palace of Arts, Chenstohova, St. Benedict Monastery, Krakow, Poland
2004 – member of the decoration renewal group of the Temple of Savior’s Christmas on Poshtova Square in Kyiv
2004 – “Reflexions”, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv,
“Kisses”, Tadzio Gallery, Kyiv,
“Agorofobia”, Dziga Art Gallery, Lviv
“Globus-9”, Globus trade center, Kyiv
2003 – “The Day of Aviation”, Dim Mykoly Gallery, Kyiv
2001 – “Between the Sky and the Earth”, University Gallery, Kyiv
1999-2002 – participation in the contest of caricatures "AYDIN DOGAN", Istanbul, Turkey
1999-2007 – all-Ukrainian art exhibitions, the Central House of Artist, Kyiv
1998 – the exhibition dedicated to Archangel Michael, Kyiv
Solo exhibitions:
2007 – “Stroll of a Dreamer”, cultural centre of the Embassy of Ukraine, Paris
2007 – solo exhibition. Exhibition hall of “Ukraine” fund, Kyiv
The artist works in such fine arts as easel and monumental painting as well as easel graphics and book design. The artist’s works are kept in private
collections in Ukraine and Europe.
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