Kara-Vasileva Tatyana Valerievna

Was born 27.10.1941 Kiev. Graduated from the Kyiv state art institute (1966). Teachers at the speciality - L. Milyaeva, O. Tishchenko, P. Beletsky. Art Critic. Major works: monographs - "Poltava folk embroidery" (TO., 1983), "Creators дывосвиту" (TO., 1984), "Ukrainian vyshyvanka" (TO., 1994), "Ukrainian shirt" (TO., 1994), "Masterpieces of the church sewing of Ukraine XII-XX centuries." (2000). Member NUAU (1980). Doctor of art criticism (1994). Member-correspondent of ACADEMY of Ukraine (2001). The winner of the prize to them. D.Scherbakovskogo (1995).

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