Ruban Valentina Vasylivna

Was born 30.06.1940, the village Khlibodarivkа Donetsk region. Graduated from the Kyiv state art institute (1964). Teachers at the speciality - P. Beletsky, L. Vladich. Art Critic. Major works: the album "Portrait in works of Ukrainian artists" (TO., 1979), monograph - "Ukrainian portrait painting of the SECOND half of the XIX century." (TO., 1984), "the Forgotten names. Stories about the Ukrainian artists" (TO., 1990), the album-monograph "A. Petritsky: portraits of contemporaries" (TO., 1991), the album-calendar "the Image of the Virgin in the Ukrainian painting" (TO., 1993-94). Member NUAU (1974). The honored worker of arts of Ukraine (1994). Doctor of art criticism (1991). Member-correspondent of ACADEMY of Ukraine (1997). The winner of the prize named after academician O. I. Bielecki (1987).

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