Gritsay Tatyana Andreyevna

Education: Lviv academy of arts, 1995.
Speciality: decorative-applied art.
He is engaged in painting on glass (рисованным stained-glass window) .
Member of the Kyiv organization of the National Union of artists of Ukraine (youth association) since 1996. Member of the National Union of artists of Ukraine since 2000.
The participant of exhibitions: 1992, International student symposium on the glass ( Lviv). 1992 .декабрь, all-Ukrainian art exhibition ( Kiev). 1993 all-Ukrainian art exhibition ( Kiev). 1995, all-Ukrainian art exhibition devoted to the International congress "For a world without extremism and fascism" (d. Kiev) 1996., the Exhibition of decorative-applied arts of the Kiev union of artists ( Kiev 1997) , march, an Exhibition of works of the youth association of the Kiev union of artists (d. Kiev). 1997г.апрель, an Exhibition of works of the youth association of the Kiev union of artists (d. Kiev). 1998, all-Ukrainian art exhibition "Christmas show" (d. Kiev). 1998, June, all-Ukrainian exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine" (d. Kiev). 1998, all-Ukrainian art exhibition devoted to the 60-anniversary of the Union of artists of Ukraine. (d. Kiev ) 1998, march, all-Ukrainian exhibition of painting on glass "Three dimensions" (Lvov, Krakow - Poland) 2000, all-Ukrainian art exhibition " TO the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ " ( Kiev ) 2001, all-Ukrainian art exhibition " To the day of artists 2001" ( Kiev ) 2002, all-Ukrainian art exhibition " III salon of decorative-applied art 2001-2002." ( Kiev ) 2006, September, all-Ukrainian art exhibition " My Ukraine 2006 " ( Kiev ) 2007., may, all-Ukrainian art exhibition " the Peace of god, as the Passover " (Chernigov ) 2010, Art exhibition of the works of the art institute of art modeling and design them. Salvador dali in the national scientific pedagogical library of Ukraine them. V.A. Sukhomlinsky's.
Personal exhibitions :
1996, march, Personal exhibition in the premises of the National library of Ukraine them. V. I. Vernadsky called the "Tree of life" (d. Kiev).
1998 April, Personal exhibition in the building of the Trading house "Roksolana" under the name "Spring".
1998 December, the Personal exhibition in the Museum of history of Kiev.
1999., may, a Personal exhibition in the premises of the Centre of work with women from the Kyiv City State administration.
2000,march-December, the Personal exhibition in the premises of the Centre of development of a fashion ( Kiev).
2002., Personal exhibition in the National academy of sciences of Ukraine the House of scientists.
2002., the Literary - memorial museum apartment P.G. Twines Around A Pole.
2004., may, a Personal exhibition in the premises of the National library of Ukraine them. V. I. Vernadsky ( Kiev )
Works are in private collections of the countries: Canada, Germany, Italy..
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