Maidanets Lesya Leonidovna

She was born in Kyiv, in a family of the well-known Ukrainian artists, she completed Lviv Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (Lviv Academy of Arts) the department of decorative textile (the studio of Prof. Igor Bodnar, the degree work - tapestry Dedication To Oleksandr Sayenko, 1992), practice at the Ukrainian Academy of Arts (painting studio of Prof. Tatyana Golembievskaya, the master work - poliptych Kievan Rus, the concert hall Golden Gates, Kyiv, 1995). Master of Arts, a member of the Ukrainian Artists’ Union, the European Textile Network (ETN).
Lesya Maidanets works on weaving technique and textile painting. Her works were displayed on many national and foreign exhibitions (Canada, Belgium, France, Hungary, Poland), they are stored in the museums’ and private collections. She is an author of the modern design of some cultural centres, schools, children’s institutions.
Creative work of Lesya Maidanets is marked by an original philosophical view, a deep fathoming of folk traditions, personal artistic style. A combination of earthy and cosmic forms two wings of her view of the world, that is characterized by a natural feeling of colour and plastic line.
The works of Lesya Maidanets are the interpretation of our history (The Kievan Rus, The Kozak Song, Roksolana), they are the achievements of art culture, starting from Trypillia and Mezyn cultures (The Trypillia legend, The Slavic Series, The Luminary, Dedication To Oleksandr Sayenko, Red and Black); they are the Ukrainian songs, legends, folklore (Koupala Lights, Gorytsvit, The Christmas Night, The Tchoomak Road, Out of Dew and Water); these works represent the ethical and ethnic features of the Ukrainian folk (Arriving, The Poplars Live in Me, The Lullaby, Ringing); they touch ecological problems (From the Chornobyl Apple Tree, Harmony).
The artist’s credo of Lesya Maidanets is to create the world of beauty, harmony and kindness
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