Sayenko Nina Aleksandrovna

Nina Sayenko is well-known in Ukraine and abroad owing to her artist’s works made in the technique of hand weaving, straw mosaic, beating. Her creative work based on the deep sources of national culture has been widely recognized owing to presentation at numerous national and international exhibitions (Canada, Belgium, France, China, Russia, Poland). The artist’s works are represented at state museum collections, galleries, private collections in Ukraine and in many countries of the world. She is an author of the modern design of some cultural centres, schools, children’s institutions.
The tapestries (Kozak Ballad, Beregynya, The Koupala Night), the carpets (Festive, Serpanok, The Green Summer, May), straw mosaics (The Tree of Life, Mosaic, The Water Flows From Under The Hill, The Flower of Love) made by Nina Sayenko are modern in terms of image bearing thinking and traditional in terms of composition settings and production techniques. Their harmony of colors, distinct rhymes, lineal structures impress. In many of them one can see some resemblance of the traditions of the native Chernihiv area (The Rosy Blossom, A Meeting, The Paradise Tree, Chornogusy), they are a pure light source for everyone who touches them.
Nina Sayenko is also known for her appreciation activities. Her articles published in books, catalogs, magazines and newspapers analyze the modern condition of the Ukrainian art. She constantly speaks on the state radio and TV, she performs a significant piece of work in the area of museum affairs when consulting on museum collection selections, scientific and exhibition activities.
Nina Sayenko is a member of professional associations: The Ukrainian Artists’ Union and the Union of the Ukrainian Folk Art Artists, the member of the European Textile Association, the head of the Alipiy Gallery of the Ukrainian House Centre where she organizes the large-scale art forums, festivals and art presentations.
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