Lukyanenko Anna S.

Born March 17, 1983 in the city. Kyiv family of artists.
2000 - 2006 rr. She studied at NTU "KPI" Publishing and printing department faculty "Graphics", the curator of course people's artist of Ukraine, academician VE NAFAA Pereval'skiy She received a diploma with honors.
2003 - 2007 rr. She worked as an artist - illustrator in publications for children and adolescents, "Country of Knowledge," "Planet of Knowledge", "Nature hometown."
2013. - Member of the Youth Association of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
2015. - Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
I work in the field of easel graphics.
2012 - 2016 rr. Participated in 31 youth and nationwide exhibitions.
His works are in private collections in Ukraine, France, Germany and the US
List of participating in nationwide exhibitions:
- Exhibition and contest the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (Diploma II degree) (2016)
- "VIII International Specialized Exhibition of George Yakutovych" (2016)
- "Romantic Landscape" (2016)
- "Fiyeriya Light" (2016)
- The art project "Ukrainian Real" (2015)
- "Young Ukrainian Inspirations" (2015)
- "The historical figures of the Future" (2015)
- "Follow me ..." nationwide traveling exhibition to the 115th anniversary of Catherine Blond (2015)
- "Ukrainian exhibition to the Independence Day of Ukraine" (2014-16)
- "All Day Artist Exhibition" (2014-16)
- "Ukrainian Christmas Exhibition" (2014-16)
- "Picturesque Ukraine" (2012-15)
- "200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko" (2014)
- "VII International Specialized Exhibition of George Yakutovych" (2014)
- "To Intercession" (2014)
- "The generosity of the native land" (2012-14)
- "Young Art young country" (2013)
- "Ukraine, Ukraine, glorious Cossack end" (2012-13)
- "Women of Ukraine - artists" (2012).
Works Online:
- "Vinos de bodegas", 48h68 cm (linocut, collage) 2015
- "Eternal glory to the heroes!" 70h50 cm (linocut, collage) 2015
- "Reverberation" from the series "Echo Tauris", 70x90 cm (linocut, collage) 2014 .
- "Elegy" from the series "watcher of the Dnieper," 60h43sm (linocut, collage) 2014 .
- "Watcher Dnieper. Morning", 60x40 cm (linocut, collage) 2014 .
- "Watcher Dnieper. Day", 60x40 cm (linocut, collage) 2014 .
- "Watcher Dnieper. Evening", 60x40 cm (linocut, collage) 2014 .
- "Watcher Dnieper. Night", 60x40 cm (linocut, collage) 2014 .
- "19th century" from the series "passage of time", 30x40 cm (linocut, collage) 2013 .
- "Gifts of the earth", 50x70 cm (linocut, collage) 2011. .
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