Bazylevych Oleksiy Anatoliovych

1974 — 1980. Works in book design and illustration, easel graphics and poster.
The main exhibitiones:
The republican art exhibition “Physical culture and sport”. 1980. “Artist and book”. The IV republican exhibition of illustration and
book design. 1984.
The republican art exhibition of drawings and water-coloures. 1988.
Exhibition “The world of fairy tale in the literature and art”. 2003.
The II republican exhibition-contest dedicated to H. Yakutovych. 2003.
The art works exhibition of teachers and students of Kyiv State
Institute of Decorative Art and Design named after M. Boichuk. 2005.
Personal art exhibition of illustrations “ The world of fairy tale”. 2008.
All-Ukrainian exhibition of book design and illustrations. 1992—2010.
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