Bodyakova Galina Aleksandrobna

1996 - winner of the contest, devoted to 50-anniversary of the UN.
1998 - exhibition, devoted to the 60-th anniversary of the union OF artists OF Ukraine.
1999 - exhibition of graphic artists in Toronto (Canada).
2000 - exhibition of etching in Washington (USA).
2000 - personal exhibition in American embassy.
2001 - International women's exhibition Gallery "Lavra" (Kiev).
2002 - Personal exhibition - Gallery "Irena" (Kiev).
2004 - Personal exhibition (pastel, etching) in the Office of the united NATIONS, Kiev.
2005 - Personal exhibition in the ALTA-center, Kyiv.
2006 - p.v.. "The world of unspeakable"( levkas, pastel, etching)gallery "Срібні дзвони",Kiev
2006 - p.v.. The UN representative office, Kiev.
2006 - participation in the exhibition "Art" Ukrainian house
2007- personal exhibition "Crepe de shin", Kiev
2007 - personal exhibition, "Срібні дзвони",
2007 - "The myth", Minsk, Belarus
2008 - "IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH" personal exhibition " Sribni dzvoni "
2008 - personal exhibition "Crepe de shin", Kiev
2008 - personal exhibition "Good Morning", UN Office, Kiev
2009- participation in the 1международной exhibition graphics. Minsk (Belarus)
2009 - Diploma for the original decision, the International festival of digital art , Belarus
Works are in many private collections of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Canada, the USA, Germany, France, Spain, Holland, Poland, the Czech republic, Finland, Sweden, Australia, Israel, Turkey, Japan, Thailand
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