Didenko Tanya Tanya Ivanovna

Year of birth: 1965 Kiev
1984 - graduate Kiev an Artistic-Industrial Technikum.
1989 - took part in an exhibition. Devoted to the International film festival called "Krok".
From 1989 - took part in republican exhibitions.
1993 - exhibition of "Maliovnicha Ukraine" in Sumy.
From 1994 - a member of Union of Artists of Ukraine.
1998 - exhibition, devoted to the 60year of СХ of Ukraine.
1999 - exhibition in the "gallery № of 36".
1999 - international woman exhibition in the Ukrainian house.
2001 - international woman exhibition in the gallery of "Lavra".
2005 - exhibition of painting in Nashtetten, Germany (still life).
2006 - exhibition of "Krashi Mitzi of Ukraine the end of XX - XXI century " in the Ukrainian house (a catalogue is published).
2007 - personal exhibition in the "Chinese Tea Club" in Kiev.
2008 - exhibition in the restaurant called "Krepdishin" of network the "Trump Map" in Kiev.
2009 - June - international plener "Lychezarnaya Balaklava", the article in a newspaper "The Sevastopol lists " № (1108) the 3 June of 2009 "Light of "Lychezarnoi Balaklavi" will light up distant countries and cities".
2009 - triennale " Graphic arts - 2009 " (the coloured etching is the "Old city ").
2009 - November - December - exhibition devoted to the 40 year of the Kiev union of artists.
Illustrated child's books, publishing house "Karapuz" (Moscow), Russian pedagogical agency (Moscow) the "Magic triangle", publishing house of "Alternative" (Kiev) Ludmila Ivanova "Nadiichini yablunki”. The boy which was called "Not - want", publishing house "Phenix" (Kiev), 1996- 1997 - co-operated in a magazine "Barvinok", did child's film-strips in 1994-1995 on the studio of film-strip "Skif" ( "Vovchik-Tovchik", "Yak Mikola byv korovou" by B. Sholdak and other), publishing house "Academy" in 1994 Shakolio L. "Bereg chernogo dereva i slonovoi kosti".
Picturesque works are in private collections of Ukraine (Kiev, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Rovno), Russia, Germany, England, Mexico, Spain.
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