Gladkikh Inga Aleksandrovna

In 1984 he graduated from the Republican art high school them. After t. g. Shevchenko.
In 1991 she graduated from the Kyiv state art institute (the Ukrainian Academy
Art,graphic department, workshop of "Free graphics" prof. А.В.Чебыкина.
With 1993 member of the National Artists Union of Ukraine.
Since 1989, takes part in all-Ukrainian and International exhibitions and competitions.
The winner of the poster competition, dedicated to the "Day of Kyiv", organized by the publishing house
"Radyans'ka Україна" in 1989.
The winner of the artistic contest, devoted to 50-anniversary of The United Nations in 1996.
Works are in collections of Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine, National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Ukrainian Academy of Art, Kaliningrad Regional Museum "Art gallery", in galleries and private collections of Ukraine, Russia, USA, Germany, France, Poland, Japan...
Works in the techniques of silk-screen printing, etching, watercolour, acrylic, batik, computer graphics.
1990. All-Ukrainian art exhibition "Estamp - 90". Exhibition hall of the NSC of Ukraine
" The artist's house ", d. Kiev.
1991. All-Ukrainian art exhibition devoted to 500 anniversary of Ukrainian cossacks. The national art museum of Ukraine, g. Kiev.
1992. All-Ukrainian art exhibition " Picturesque Україна ", in chernigov.
1992. Personal exhibition. "Ralphs Printing Inc.", Los-Angeles, USA. ( October ).
1993. Exhibition of graphics of the Ukrainian artists, organized by the Ministry of youth of Germany, d. Munich, Cologne, Germany. ( November - December ).
1995. Art exhibition " Видатні українські мисткині - 95 ". Center " Ukrainian House ",
g. Kiev. ( 8 - 15 march ).
1995. Art exhibition of the festival of Korean culture in Ukraine. Center " Ukrainian House ", d. Kiev. ( 24-30 April ).
1995. Art exhibition to the first symposium on silk-screen printing in Ukraine. Exhibition hall of the NSC of Ukraine " House of artists, g. Kiev. ( 6-17 June ).
1995. The Second Kyiv art fair " Art Myth ". Center " Ukrainian House ", d. Kiev.(June 20-26).
1996. Art exhibition devoted to the 50-th anniversary of the Organization Объєдиненных Nations. The UN representative office in Ukraine, g. Kiev. ( march 27).
1996. All-Ukrainian art exhibition " Picturesque Україна ", g. Exactly.
1996. Personal exhibition. The Embassy of the United States of America in Ukraine, g. Kiev. (3 - June 27).
1997. All-Ukrainian Triennial " Graphics - 97 ". Exhibition hall of the NSC of Ukraine " House of artist ",
g. Kiev. ( 27 may - 8 June ).
1998. Jubilee art exhibition, devoted to the 60-anniversary of the Union of artists of Ukraine. Center " Ukrainian House ", d. Kiev. ( 8 October ).
1999. Personal exhibition. The Embassy of the United States of America in Ukraine, g. Kiev.(may 3- June 15).
1999. 10-th International Biennale of graphics "Varna 99". The art gallery, g. Varna, Bulgaria. ( 5 November - 14 December ).
2000. All-Ukrainian Triennial " Graphics - 2000 ". Виставочный hall NSH of Ukraine "House of artists, g. Kiev. ( 12-26 June ).
2000. Personal exhibition. Gallery "Колт. A"g. Kiev. ( 8 - 15 December ).
2000-01г. All-Ukrainian художожественная exhibition to the 2000 anniversary of the Nativity of Christ. Exhibition hall of the NSC of Ukraine " House of artists, g. Kiev. ( December 26 -15 January ).
2001. Art exhibition of prints from the collection of CALIBRATION of Ukraine."House of artist,Kiev.( November).
2003. All-Ukrainian Triennial "Graphics-2003". Exhibition hall of the NSC of Ukraine " House of artist ",
g. Kiev. ( 6 - 16 July ).
2006. All-Ukrainian художожественная exhibition for the holiday " Day of the artist ".
Exhibition hall of the NSC of Ukraine " House of artists, g. Kiev. ( October ).
2006. An art exhibition " ART-Kyiv - 2006 ". Center of business and cultural cooperation
" Ukrainian house ". ( 1 - November 10).
2009. Personal exhibition. Interior "arc de Triomphe", g. Kiev. ( 1 - August 29).
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