Lopata Vasil Ivanovich

in 1970 he graduated from the Kiev art institute. His teacher was В.Касиян. Worked (1970-1972) in the creative studio at the Academy of Arts (the teacher M.Deregus).
Member of the National union of artists of Ukraine (1971), Member of the National union of writers of Ukraine (2006).
Main works: illustrations to the Ukrainian people's thoughts (1970), books - V.shevchuk "Fellows" (1972), О.Gonchara "Bearers " (1976), ivan Franko "Masons" (1976), "the Ukrainian ballads" (1981), "the Word about Igor's regiment" (1986), Shevchenko "Kobzar" (1992), Gogol "a Terrible revenge" (1993), "history of Ukraine in people's thoughts and songs" (1993), "the Lord is the strength of his people" (1996), N.Gogol "Taras Bulba" (2006). Mounted series - a triptych by the works of Lesya Ukrainka (1971), "the Life and creativity G.Skovoroda" (1972), "Portraits of kiev and galician metropolitans" (1990-1992), portrait Of John Paul II (1993), the series: "the way of the Cross of Ukraine"(1992), "The life and resurrection" (1992).
Posters: "Oh Great One, we Ukraine guard", "Зміцнімо diaspora, will help Ukraine", postcards.
Artistic works: "Eternal call" (1996), "I know the way" (1995), "the Annunciation" (1996), "the Prayer of the cup" (1996), "the Last supper" (1997), landscapes.
Registration of the Ukrainian hryvnia: portraits, landscapes, ornaments (1991).
Design: diplomatic passport (1991), the Ukrainian passport (1993).
EDITION: Vasily Shovel. Directory (1990). An autobiographical essay "the Way his show me, o Lord" in the book "the Lord is the strength of his people" (1996). "Vasily Shovel. Directory" (2001).
AUTHOR of the BOOK: "the Hopes and disappointments or Metamorphosis of hryvnia" (2000). Autobiographical story "About at the bottom of my heart" (2001), an Autobiographical novel "the Way teach me, o Lord" (2005).
1979. - Honored artist of Ukraine.
1989. - The Diploma of Ii degree of the Academy of arts of the USSR
1989. - The laureate of the international prize for ekslibris (England).
1993. - Laureate of the State prize named after t. Shevchenko. 1998. - Laureate of the first prize of Prominvestbank of Ukraine.
2001. - People's artist of Ukraine.
2007. - The winner of a literary award of a name of Oles Gonchar.
2008. - The laureate of the prize named after Lesia Ukrainka.
Works V.Lopata are stored in the National Art museum in Kiev, the art museums of Chernihiv, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Sumy, as well as in THE Library of Congress in Washington, d.c., at the Ukrainian Museum in New York, in the Museum of Stanford eparchy of the UGCC in the united STATES, Museums at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Rome, museums of the Russian Federation (the state Tretyakov gallery in Moscow, House-museums of a. pushkin in St.-Petersburg, in galleries Єкатеринбургу, Magnitogorsk), in private collections of Italy, the Uk, Canada, Russia, Switzerland, USA.
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