Naboka Oleg Vasilevich

Was born in 1946.
He graduated from the Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute.
. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
International exhibitions:
1992 Las Vegas.SShA,
1993,1995,1996, Kiev. Ukraine.
1994 Chalon-sur-Son.Frantsiya.
1994,1995,1996-Sharjah. OAU.
1994 Bologna * ya.Italiya.
1995 Gamburg.Germaniya.
1996 Delі.Іndіya.
1997 Darhan.Saudіvska Arabia.
1997 Paris, France
Participation in the Ukrainian exhibitions:
2000 - 2000 Anniversary hristiyanstva. "Cues.
2001 - "Picturesque Ukraine." Ivano-Frankivsk.
2003 - "Day of the artist-2003." Cues.
2003 - "Picturesque Ukraine-2003". Lvov.
2004 - "Day of the artist." Kiev.
2004 - "Picturesque Ukraine"Guoting.
2004 - "Christmas." Cues.
2007 - "Picturesque Ukraine". Dnepropetrovsk.
2008 - "Anniversary", Kiev.
Participation in international exhibitions:
2005,2006,2007 Quebec. Canada.
2005.2006-Olot (Girona). Spain.
2006 Shanhay.Kitay.
2006 Sint-Niklaas.Belgiya.
2007 Stambul.Turtsiya.
2007 Gdansk.Poland.
2007 Island Velikopolskiy.Poland.
His works are in private collections in USA, Germany, Russia, France and Ukraine.
Working in the techniques of painting and graphics.
2007-newspaper Delle Arti. Italy, 2007-Vita Casalese.Italiya;
2007-newspaper Monferrato, Italy.
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