Radko Ekaterina Vladimirovna

1998 post- graduate student of graphic art department of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, (the supervisor of studies professor G.V. Jakutovych ) Kyiv, Ukraine .
1999 was awarded a scholarship by the DAAD for further academic study and training in the Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig, Germany.
2001 defence of a rank of the master of graphic art at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine .
2002 became a member of the National Artists' Union of Ukraine.
1998 Premium of the Foundation Promotion and Development of Arts in Ukraine for the best degree work in the sphere of graphics. Kyiv, Ukraine.
1998 "Art of the New Generation" Honorary Diploma of the Committee of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2002 The 8th Autumn Exhibition. The Kyiv Exhibition of Young Artists, 1st premium, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2003 The 3rd National Triennial of Graphic art, 3rd premium, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2005 Premium of Mykhailo Deregus of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Kyiv.
2010 First-degree diploma in the nomination of printmaking, National Competition Devoted to the Memory of Georgy Jakutovych, Kyiv, Ukraine
Olga Lagutenko. Graphein of graphic on the verge of centuries,Kyiv 2002.
Kateryna Lypa. GRAPHIC ART BEYOND TIME, Ponedilok weekly newspaper, 24.02 2003.
Oksana Lamonova. “Seven Etchings of Kateryna Radko”, Kyiv magazine #6, 2006.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. "History of Ukrainian Art" “Twentieth century Art”, Volume 5, p.799, Kyiv 2009.
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