Khomyakova Olena Anatoliyvna

1980 - Was born in Kiev, Ukraine
1995 - 2000 - Kiev State Institute of applied arts and design them. Boichuk
1998-2004 - National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, studio of Monumental and icon painting (Kiev)
2006 - Member of The National Union of Artists of Ukraine
Recent exhibitions:
2007. - Solo exhibition "Dream unexpected wind" gallery "University", Kyiv
2008. - "From Tripolie to the present". Artists' Union Building, Kiev.
2008 - Symposium of Sacred Art, NU «Kiev-Mohyla Academy» Gallery of Arts O. Zamostyan, Kiev.
2008 -2009 – “Mexican and Ukrainian Icons in the works of painters of Ukraine”
Museum of literature, Kiev.
2009 - "Space aesthetic conceptualism", gallery "Mistets", Kiev.
2009-2010 - Symposium Sacred Art, Gallery “Hlibnya”, National Reserve Sophia Cathedral, Kiev.
2010. - "From Tripolie to the present". Artists' Union Building, Kiev.
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