Lozovskaya Vera Leonidovna

1980 - Was born in Kiev, Ukraine
1991-1998 - State Art school of the name of T. Shevchenko, Kiev
1998-2004 – The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, M. Storozhenko’s studio of Monumental and icon painting, Kiev
2004-2007 - Post-graduate work on probation in NAOMA, Kiev
From 2004 - the Master of painting
From 2008 - Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine
From 2000 year is the constant participant of All-Ukrainian exhibitions and open-air work
Works in the field of easel painting
There are works in private collections of Ukraine and abroad
The last exhibition:
2010 - An exhibition "History of Ukraine in work’s of the Ukrainian artists", the Ukrainian Humanitarian lycée, Kiev
2009 - The All-Ukrainian symposium "the Ukrainian sacral art of end ХХ - the beginnings of the XXI-st centuries", gallery "Hlebnya, Kiev
2009 - An exhibition "Space of aesthetic conceptualism", gallery "Mystec", Kiev
2009 - A personal exhibition "My Ukraine" the Ukrainian Humanitarian lycée, Kiev
2008 - "Ukraine from Tripoli up to now", the National union of artists of Ukraine, Kiev
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