Zhakhovskyy Tadeush Valeriovich

I was born in a Polish family in Western Ukraine, and was raised in Kyiv. Later on, I have been residing in Poland, Denmark, Holland, Germany, USA. Since 2008 I work and live in Kyiv with my family.
I studied art at Darnitsa Art School in Kyiv. My passion is colorful expressionism, fauvism and abstractionism in fantasy and genre-picture art. Having been thrilled by creation of intense color-filled bright images, I have been moving towards my own stylistics.
I am engaged in “Tralfrealism” international fine artists group activity. (abbr. from “Transformation of Reality with Art, Love and Fantasy”.)
My paintings adorn the walls of homes and businesses across the United States, Holland, Germany, Poland, Ukraine.
Tadeush Zhakhovskyy, fine artist, list of exhibitions:
International exhibitions:
2011 -Prize winner in International Competition "ST. PETERSBURG ART WEEK ’Spring - 2011", St. Petersburg, Russia.
2011 - Participant of International Exhibition "SLAVIC ART DAYS IN BERLIN" as a part of "GERMAN ART WEEK‘ Winter - 2011", Berlin, Germany.
2010 - First Prize winner in International Competition "UKRAINIAN ART WEEK ’Fall - 2010", first place in "Avant-garde & Experimental painting professional contest", with "Smooth Jazz" and “Chicago, 4 p.m.” paintings. Kiev, Ukraine.
2009 - Prize winner in "UKRAINIAN ART WEEK ’2009", by international jury selection in "Avant-garde painting professional contest", with "Violinist" painting. Kiev, Ukraine.
2007 - Magnificent Mile Art Festival, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2006 - Evanston Lakeshore Arts Festival, Evanston, Illinois, USA.
2005 - Belmont Arts and Music Fest, Roscoe Village, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2004 - Ukrainian Village Fest, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Solo exhibitions:
2014 - Tour of «Joyful world of color» exhibition, «Wunjo-Art» Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2014 - “Joyful world of color“, MyGallery, Kiev, Ukraine.
2011 - “Exhilaration“, Wunjo-Art Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine.
2010 - “Welcome to "Color Dimension!“, Wunjo-Art Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine.
All-Ukrainian & other collective exhibitions:
2015 - Participant of all-Ukrainian exhibition devoted to Fine Artist’s Day at exhibition center of National Association of Artist of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
2015 - Participant of all-Ukrainian "Winter exhibition" at exhibition center of National Association of Artist of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
2014 - Participant of all-Ukrainian exhibition devoted to Fine Artist’s Day at exhibition center of National Association of Artist of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
2014 - Participant of Art Festival "Talent Energy Fest" exhibition, Kiev, Ukraine.
2013 - 2011 Participant of all Collective exhibitions at Wunjo-Art Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine.
2011 - 2000 - Participation in national exhibitions of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, also in other collective exhibitions of various projects.
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