Bogdan Roman S.

Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
Born on 21. 01. 1989, c. Chernigov.
He graduated from the National Academy of Art and Architecture, painting and temple culture prof. Mykola Storozhenko (2014). Teachers at the specialty - M. Storozhenko, A. Tsuhorka O. Nightingale, MI Pylypenko, A. Odaynyk V. Barinov-Kuleba, V. Vyrodova-Gauthier, A. Yalanskyy.
Works in easel painting, monumental and sacred art.
Major works: "Lamentation of Christ Jesus" (2014), "Brother. Artist Andrei Bogdan" (2015), "Kiss of Judas" (2015), "Daria" (2016), "Midsummer" (2015), the icon "St. Demetrios "(2013)," Still Life with grenades "(2013)," Sunset "(2015), temple painting" Cathedral Carpatho-Ruthenian saints "(2015), the icon" Archangel Michael "(2012)
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