Abramova Marianna N.

Marianne Abramov was born in 1979 in Dnepropetrovsk
- University of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow) - Department of painting and drawing class of Larissa and Boris Nemensky
- Kyiv International University - Department of Journalism
- Dnepropetrovsk Music School. Glinka's piano
Member of the National Union of Artists since 2008
Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine
Art director of the Cultural Center «ArtLine»
Since 2002 constant participant of national and international exhibitions - Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Russia, Poland, Turkey, Denmark, France, United States
His works are in private collections in Ukraine, Slovakia, Italy, Czech Republic, Lebanon, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Romania, Turkey, Austria, France
Author and curator of several international art projects, including
art project "The Palette of Freedom" "in which annually take part artists from around the world
Major exhibitions:
2014 - International art design salon Sadeca - Nice Palais des Expositions
Nice, France
2014 - International exhibition «Four elements», Airport Cote d'Azur, Nice,
2013 - International exhibition «Nations - Water - Cultures», Gallery of the United Nations,
New York
2013 - personal exhibition «Some moments» - Cultural Information
Center of the Ukrainian Embassy in France, Paris
2012 - personal exhibition "Mittєvostі" - The National Museum of Russian
Art, Kiev
2011 - International exhibition "Artists of the World - Children of Ukraine"
The branch of the National Museum of Russian Art "Chocolate
House ", Kiev
2011 - International Exhibition ARTEKSPO, Istanbul, Turkey
2010 - International Exhibition - Royal Opera House, Copenhagen,
2010 - personal exhibition - Russian Centre of Science and Culture
Russian Embassy, Copenhagen, Denmark
2009 - personal exhibition - gallery of nude, Kiev
2009 - International exhibition "Palette svobody- 2009"
Russian Centre of Science and Culture of the Russian Embassy in Vienna, Austria
2008 - personal exhibition - Russian Science and Culture Center of the Embassy
RF, Vienna, Austria
2008 - personal exhibition - the Cultural center of Ukraine in Russia, Moscow
2007 - personal exhibition - Gallery "Germanova 35", Prague, Czech Republic
2007 - International exhibition "Dialogue on the free theme. Ukraine - Slovakia "
Gallery "Lavra", Kyiv
2007 - All-Ukrainian exhibition dedicated to the Day of artist, Central House of Artists, Kiev
2007 - Christmas Exhibition, Central House of Artists, Kiev
2006 - personal exhibition - Piestany, Slovakia
2006 - Ukrainian exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine" Gallery Fine
Art, Odessa
2006 - International exhibition "Art of the Ambassador of freedom and democracy"
Gallery "Lavra", Kyiv
2006 - personal exhibition in the framework of the Ministry of Culture
Ukraine's "Days of Ukrainian Culture in Slovakia» Banska Bystrica
2005 - personal - Russian Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Russian Federation
Slovakia, Bratislava
2005 - International Exhibition "Mіst zamіst murіv" Orava Castle,
2005 - personal - gallery "Lavra", Kyiv
2005 - International exhibition "Art of vіlnogo svitu" Palace of Arts,
2003 - personal exhibition artfotografii, "Matisse club", Russia,
St. Petersburg
2003 - personal exhibition artfotografii Salon interior painting,
2003 - Exhibition artfotografii, Italy
2003 - personal - Ukrainian Fund of Culture, Kiev
2002 - the exhibition "Poetry of color" - Ukrainian Fund of Culture, Kiev
Short bibliography:
Marianna Abramova. Artists of Ukraine // Creatively-biographical directory ІMPREZ, 2005, p. 18-19
Triptych Marianne. Ukrainian word, 12-19 December 2006
Three education Marianne. Democratic Ukraine 2006
Marianna Abramova. Artists of Ukraine, №12 (92), 2007. 30 p.
Marianna Abramova / "Painting, photography," VHstudio, Kiev, 2005, 24c.
Dialogue on the free theme. Ukraine - Slovakia. Directory Publishing house "emirate", Kiev, 2007 - Author and curator of an art project Marianna Abramova, p. thirty
Marianna Abramova. A series of images of coffee. Symphony House Coffee, Swiss company «Blasser», 2007.- 25c.
Artists united "Palette of freedom." Evrobyulleten // News edition of the European Commission to Ukraine. №46, 2008, p.10, photo s2.
"ArtLine" - a continuous line of dialogue of cultures. Business class // The inter-regional business magazine №2 (20), 2008, p. 72-73
"Palіtra FREEDOM 2008" zakіnchilasya CAPITAL vistavkoyu / Єvrobyuleten - Іnformatsіyne Vidanov predstavnitstva Єvropeyskoї Komіsії in Ukrainі, №12, 2008, p. 10
Palette of Freedom 2008. Catalog, author and curator of an art project Marianna Abramova, PF "Orans", Kiev, 2008.- 88 p.
«Viva! Biography »- № 10 (26), Edipresse, Kyiv, 2008, p. 85
Palette freedom-2008.Uspeh and business // First Crimean Business Magazine №5 (17), 2008, s.88-90
«Viva! Biography »- №11 (27), Edipresse, Kyiv, 2008, p.9, p. 79
Marianna Abramova: the brink of creativity. The success and business // First Crimean business magazine №10 (22), 2008, s.58-59, p. 94
Marianna Abramova. Exclusive style, Magazine - November-December 2008, Kiev, p. 6-12
Vіdbulasya vistavka project "Palіtra freedom." Evrobyulleten // News edition of the European Commission in Ukraine. №10, November 2009. p. 6 Amateur. 2
Luxery life, / Best for the best Edipresse, 02 Spring, 2009, p. 14
Luxery life, / Best for the best Edipresse, 04, Fall 2009, p. 16
In his heart. Fireside Publishing House "Indepednent Media" .dekabr 2009, p. 143-145
Viva! Biography »- Edipresse, №7-8 (34) July - August 2009, c. 83
«Viva! Biography »- №9 (35), Edipresse, 2009, c.8
Palette freedom / Viva! №23 (132) November 12, 2009, event
Palette freedom / Viva! №12 (122) June 11, 2009, event
Palette freedom-2009 / international architectural art project Marianna Abramova // directory Kiev, OOO "Printing Gloss" 90.
The art is on target / magazine "Have a rest", Kiev, №41, 6.10.2019, p. 6
The theory of freedom. Production Agency La femme, p. 16-17
Captured by the beauty. LUXURY life / Best for the best. Edipresse Ukraine, p. 60-61
Aura Painting Marianna Abramova. CosmoLady, №1. April 2010 s.124-126 Reason and passion. La femme № 3 (39). Production Agency La femme, p.26 - 27
The palette of inspiration Marianna Abramova. International Journal PLATINUM, p. 200 - 202
Marianna Abramova // Artists of Kyiv / Ukraїnske Obrazotvorche Mistetstvo 1991-2011 rokіv / painting grafіka, sculpture, p. 25, s.457
Marianna Abramova // Encyclopedia of modern Ukraine. Institute of encyclopedic studies National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. V.8, pp. 600
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