Brynyuk Svetlana Petrovna

In 1984 he finished 9 classes of the secondary school # 69, str. Odessa.
In 1989 graduated from the faculty of art design Odessa Art College. Grekova, Studio under the guidance of Egorova D.D. and Egorova T.D.
In 1996. Graduated national Academy of fine arts and architecture, Studio of easel painting under the leadership of Professor V.I. Gurin.
From 2012, the member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine
Works are
The product of the «Quarrel» purchased the Ministry of culture of Ukraine, in 1995. and handed over to the fastovskii the local history Museum in 1996. Fastov. Ukraine.
The «Museum Haus am Chickpoint Charlie», Berlin, Germany
«The Endy Warhol Museum of Modern Art», Меджилаборце, Slovakia.
Gallery «Sergey Popov», Berlin, Germany
Gallery «Miro», Prague, Czech Republic, Bratislava, Slovakia
Gallery «Miro»,
Gallery «Sacro-art», Krakow, Poland
Private collections of Ukraine, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, France, Slovakia, Israel, and others.
Of the exhibition
2012. - The exhibition «Reflection», gallery «Lavra», Kiev, Ukraine. (booklet)
2004. - All-Ukrainian art exhibition «Women - artists», Kiev, Ukraine.
2000. - Exhibition of self-portraits. Gallery «Bridge», Odessa, Ukraine
1998. - And the international art exhibition «ОдесаАрт 98», a Marine station, Odessa, Ukraine. (catalog)
1997. - Personal exhibition. «The Endy Warhol Museum of Modern Art». Меджилаборце, Slovakia. (booklet)
- Personal exhibition. Gallery «Archika», Гуменне, Slovakia
- The action «Road of angels», gallery «Sacro-Art», Krakow, Poland.
1996. - «Great Ukrainian Women Artists 96», Museum Of Ukrainian Art, Kiev, Ukraine. (catalog)
- Personal exhibition. Gallery «Miro», Sninа, Slovakia
Plein - air. Gallery «Miro», Снина, Slovakia.
1995. - All-Ukrainian art exhibition «Humanism against extremism and fascism», the House of the Union of artists of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
- Personal exhibition. The gallery of national University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy», Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Personal exhibition. «Goete Institute». Berlin, Germany.
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition devoted to the 400 anniversary of the birth of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the House of the Union of artists of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
- The auction of the «Museum Haus am Chickpoint Charlie», Berlin, Germany.
1994. - All-Ukrainian art exhibition «Flowers of hope,» the House of Union of artists of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
- «Great Ukrainian women Artists 94», Center of contemporary art «Brama», Kiev, Ukraine
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition «Autumn 94», the House of the Union of artists of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
- Personal exhibition. The state historical-architectural reserve «Ancient Kiev», Kiev, Ukraine
- The exhibition of art works of the students of the national Academy of fine arts and architecture, exhibition hall of the national Academy of fine arts and architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine
- The auction of the «Museum Haus am Chickpoint Charlie», Berlin, Germany.
- «I Art Fair 94», Center «Ukrainian house», Kyiv, Ukraine. (catalog)
1993. - All-Ukrainian art exhibition «Spring 93», the House of the Union of artists of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
- All-Ukrainian art exhibition «Autumn 93», the House of the Union of artists of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
- Biennale «Impreza 93», Moscow. Ivano-Frankovsk, (catalogue)
1986. - Group exhibition. Odessa Art College. Grekov, Odessa, Ukraine
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