Chernyavskiy Konstyantin Volodymyrovych

Was born in 1979 in the city Kiev. 1997 graduated from the State Art School named after T.G. Shevchenko, the same year he entered the National Academy of fine arts and architecture at the faculty of painting. 2003 he defended a thesis "Evening song", supervisor prof. Gurin V.I., and received the diploma of the specialist painting. Was recommended in the magistracy the National Academy of fine arts and architecture the workshop of prof. Holembievska T. М.2004, defended the diploma of the master of painting on the work of "sednivski motives" and ceramic panels «Hutsul Rhapsody».FROM 2002, a member of the Youth Association КОNUAU. 2004, he worked as an artist and a Junior scientific worker of the Centre of monumental - decorative art. In 2005, senior lecturer of chair of drawing, Kyiv state Institute of decorative and applied art and design them. M. Boychukа. 2008, member of the National Union of artists Ukrainy. 2010. The senior lecturer of chair of drawing Kyiv state Institute of decorative and applied art and design them. M. Boychukа. 2012. Candidate of art criticism, the senior lecturer of chair of drawing and painting of the Kyiv national University of technologies and design. 2012 laureate of the Prize of mayor of Kyiv for gifted young people. 2012 Chairman of the Youth Association KONUAU. CREATIVE ACTIVITY of 1999, the constant participant of the all-Ukrainian exhibitions of the National Union of artists of Ukraine. 1999 the first exhibition at the youth centre "Leader" (Kiev 2000 ) Participation in the exhibition "Three centuries", along with his grandfather, honored architect of Ukraine Suvorov V.L. and father Chernyavski V.G. in the exhibition hall of the National Union of architects of Ukraine. The exhibition features over 30 paintings..2001 personal exhibition in the Art gallery of city. Drohobych, a branch of the Lviv art gallery, which exhibited paintings and watercolor sheets, dedicated to landscaped grounds Drohobych края.2002 personal exhibition in the Museum. M. Bilаsа Truskavets. 2003 participation in the exhibition of young artists in the «Museum of one street" Кiev.2006 personal exhibition of ceramics in the "Gallery of 36" (in co-authorship with his father V.G. Chernyavski).2009 Personal exhibition of painting «Viva Evro» in the Federation of football of Ukraine, dedicated to hosting Euro 2012. Works are in the National art Fund of Ukraine, the Lviv art gallery, Museum of them. M. Bilаsа Truskavets, the art gallery of the city Drohobych, the Museum of the city Yaroslav (Poland).
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