Furlet Anatiliy Borisivich

Born on February 13,1958 in the village Cheponosy, Bukovyna Region

1965-1975 went school

1974-1976 - studied at Khotyn School of Arts

My teachers: Vitaliy Kushniruk, Mykhailo Kyrylenko - one of the biggest wonders of my life. I am bowing my head with respect in the recognition of everything they have done.

1976-1978рр. - army service.

1978-1983рр. - studied at Odessa Pedagogical Institute (Department of Arts and Graphics). Professors: Zinaida Borysyuk, Velriy Pegatyan.

Odessa is to me a wonderful and bright fairy-tale.

After the graduation I work at an Arts School as a teacher for Painting and Composition (1983-2000; 1985-2000 - superintendent of school).

At the same time I work as a graphic artist: graphic cimposition, book illustrations, from 1983 on - painting compositions.

In 2000 I move with my family to the suburbs of Kyiv, town of Bucha where I work, paint, draw and teach children today.

That's it.

1993 - one-man exhibition, Slavutych gallery, Kyiv

1994 - exhibition, Lavra gallery, Kyiv

1995 - participation in the Art Triennial Pan-Ukraine, Kyiv

1995 - Participation in Art Festival, Dnipropetrovsk

1995 - Exhibition in J.Harvard University, Boston, USA

1995 - Exhibition in the Ukrainian Institute, USA

1995 - Exhibition in the Ukrainian Embassy, USA

1996 - one-man exhibition, Museum of Modern Arts,


1997 - one-man exhibition, Museum of Modern Arts,


1998 - participation in the Robinsoniada art project,


1998 - participation in the Art Festival, Kyiv

1999 - participation in the art project Grani Nu,


1999 - participation in the art project City of the Ending

          Century, Khmelnytsky

2000 - participation in an art project City-N, Pectoral

          gallery, Kyiv

2000 - participation in the Art Festival, Kyiv

2000 - one-man exhibition, Mystetsky Kurin gallery, Kyiv

2001 - participation in the Art Triennial, Kyiv

2001 - art trip to Egypt

        - Worked in:

        - Cairo National Museum

        - Giza

        - Pyramid of Djoser

        - Papyrus Institute

        - Copts Museum

        - Museum of Arab Ceramics

2002 - one-man exhibition in the National Museum of

          Ukrainian Art, Kyiv

2002 - participation in the exhibition Autumn Salon, Lviv

2003 - one-man exhibition, Plast-Art gallery, Chernyhiv

2003 - one-man exhibition in the Taras Shevchenko

          Museum, Chernecha Gora, Kyiv

2004 - participation in the exhibition Autumn Salon, Lviv

2004 - exhibition in Sozopol, Bulgaria

2004 - participation in the 10th anniversary exhibition of

          Lavra gallery

2005 - one-man exhibtion at the Palace of Modern Art,


2005 - one-man exhibition, Museum of Modern Arts,


2006 - participation in the exhibition Autumn Salon, Lviv

2007 - participation in the exhibition Autumn Salon, Lviv

2008 - one-man exhibition, Museum of Modern Arts,


2009 - one-man exhibition, Gallery of Modern Arts,


1993 - personliche Ausstelung, Galerie "Slavutych", Kiew

1994 - Ausstellung in der Gallerie "Lavra", Kiew

1995 - Teilnahme an der Triennale der Malerei "Pan

          Ukraina", Kiew

1995 - Teilnahme an dem Art-Festival, Dnipropetrovsk

1995 - Ausstellung an der J. Harvard Universitat, Boston,


1995 - Ausstellung in dem Ukrainischen Institut der USA

1995 - Ausstellung in der Botschaft der Ukraine in den


1996 - personliche Ausstellung in der Kunstakademie fur

          Jugendliche, Kiew

1997 - personliche Ausstellung in dem Museum der gegen

          wartigen Kunst, Chmelnytsky

1998 - Teilnahme an dem Art-Projekt "Robinsonada",


1998 - Teilnahme an dem Art-Festival, Kiew

1999 - Teilnahme an dem Art-Projekt "Grani NU",


1999 - Teilnahme an dem kunstlerischen Projekt "Die

          Stadt des zu ende gehenden Jahrhunderts",


2000 - Teilnahme an dem kuntlerischen Projetkt "Stadt-N",

          Gellerie "Pektoral", Kiew

2000 - Teilnahme an dem Art-Festival, Kiew

2000 - Personliche Ausstellung, Gallerie "Mystetsky

          Kurin", Kiew

2001 - Teilnahme an der Triennale der Malerei, Kiew

2001 - kunstlerische Reise nach Agypten

        - Arbeit in

        - Nationalmuseum von Kairo

        - Gizeh

        - Djoser-Pyramide

        - Papyrus-Institut

        - Das Museum der Kopten

        - Das Museum der arabischen Keramik

2002 - Personliche Ausstellung in dem Nationalmuseum

          der ukrainischen Kunst, Kiew

2002 - Teilnahme an der Ausstellung "Osinniy Salon"

          ("Herbstsalon"), Lemberg

2003 - personliche Ausstellung, Gallerie "Plast-Art",


2003 - personliche Ausstellung im Museum von Taras

          Shevchenko, Chernecha Hora, Kiew

2004 - Teilnahme an der Ausstellung "Osinniy Salon"

          ("Herbstsalon"), Lemberg

2004 - Ausstellung in Sosopol, Bulgarien

2004 - Teilnahme an der Ausstellung anlasslich des 10.

           Jubileums der Gallerie "Lavra"

2005 - personliche Ausstellung im Palast der gegenwartigen

          Kunst, Lemberg

2005 - personliche Ausstellung im Museum der gegen

          wartigen Kunst, Chmelnytsky

2006 - Teilnahme an der Ausstellung "Osinniy Salon"

          ("Herbstsalon"), Lemberg

2007 - Teilnahme an der Ausstellung "Osinniy Salon"

          ("Herbstsalon"), Lemberg

2008 - personliche Ausstellung im Museum der gegen

          wartigen Kunst, Chmelnytsky

2009 - personliche Ausstellung in der Gallerie der moder

          nen Kunst, Odessa

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