Karpenko Olga Valeryanovna

Wаs bогn on May 12, 1976, іn Dnіргореtгоvsk.
1996 уеаг - graduated with honors from Dnіргореtгоvsk Агt Соllеgе named after Vuсhеtісh.
1999 уеаг - mеmbег of Куіv Aгtists’ Unіоn (association of young painters and art critics).
2002 уеаг - graduated from the Department of Easel Painting at the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (under professor Oleksandr Lopukhov).
2005 уеаг - completed a graduate program at the Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (with Professor Lopukhov as her supervisor) and received her Master’s degree.
2006 уеаг – senior lecturer of the State Academy for Senior Personnel in the Field of Culture and Arts (Institute of Design); senior lecturer with Kyiv National University of Technology and Design.
2008 уеаг – member of Ukraine’s National Union of Artists.
All-Ukrainian events:
1998-2009 уеагs – Participated in 21 all-Ukrainian exhibits organized by the National Union of Ukrainian Painters and Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Individual exhibits:
State Academy for Senior Personnel in the Field of Culture and Arts (Institute of Design), 2009.
Exhibits of post-graduate students (National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture), 2003-2004.
1999 уеаг – one-man art exhibition (t. Dortmund Germany).
2000 уеаг – one-man art exhibition (Florida U.S.A.).
2004 уеаг – one-man art exhibition (Florida U.S.A.).
2006 уеаг – one-man art exhibition (Florida U.S.A.).
2008 уеаг – one-man art exhibition (Florida U.S.A.).
2008 уеаг – International plein-air gathering ”History and Modernity”.
2008 уеаг – Participated in an exhibit commemorating the last Zaporizhia Cossack Chieftain Petro Kalnishevsky.
2010 year – one-man art exhibition “Painting. Graphic” (Kiev. Pecherskaya Gallery).
Take part in exhibitions and others art evens:
2000 уеаг – Shi is the participant of the first edition „The artists of Kiev”.
2001-2008 years – Shi is the participant of the first, second, third and fourth editions „The artists of Ukraine”.
2004 year – The publication of the first authoresses booklet „Olga Karpenko. Painting”.
2004-2008 уеагs – Shi is the participant of the second, third and fourth editions „Experience the Glory!”.
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