Khrapachov Оleksandr Nikolaevich

Born on the 29th of December 1981 in the city of Kharkiv.He raised in the city of Zaporizhya. From his early days he was overwelmed by the desire to paint and to deepen into his inner world with the purpose of self-discovery. As a result, he entered the Junior School of Art. Owing to mature artists he began to practice the plaine-air painting, when he was a pupil. Then he succesfully finished several preliminary courses in order to enter Kyiv higher educational establishment of art. In 2000, while had been studying at the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture in the city of Kyiv, he entered the Faculty of Painting and was taught by such academicians as L.V. Vitkovsky, I.А. Kovtaniuk, V. Vyrodova-Gotie, O.Sheremet, A.N. Beliansky, T.N. Golembiyevskaya, A.Ye. Zorko, A.N. Tverdaya. He payed mush attention to study of the traditional school of painting and drawing and the Academy fund as well as developed his skills in the studio of Proffessor V.I. Gurin. In 2006 he became a member of the youth association of National Painters Union of Ukraine. That year he upheld his Degree Painting The Temple, took Master’s Degree and entered to the department of assistancy and training of the Faculty of Painting tutored by V.I. Gurin and by virtue of this he continued his creative seeking in the boundless world of art.
The main exibitions:
2002 – Youth, The Central Painter’s Establishment, Kyiv
2003 – Autumn – 2003, Central Youth Palace, Kyiv;
2004 –Christmassy, Central Youth Palace, Kyiv;
2006 – Modern Ukrainian Landscape, Poltava;
2006 –Painter’s Day, Central Youth Palace, Kyiv;
2006 – Christmassy, Central Youth Palace, Kyiv;
2007 – Picturesque Ukraine, Ternopil, catalogue;
2007 – All Ukrainian Triennial of Painting, Kyiv - 2007, Central Youth Palace, Kyiv, catalogue;
2007 – Russian and Ukrainian Art, Auctions Chelsea London, catalogue;
2007 – Triennial Kuindzhi, Mariupol, catalogue;
2007 – Painter’s Day, Central Youth Palace, Kyiv;
2007 – personal exhibition, ANN GALLERY;
2007 – Christmassy, Central Youth Palace, Kyiv;
2008 – personal issue-related exhibition Ukrainian Landscape, Aurora-Art Gallery;
2008 – personal issue-related exhibition Spirituality,
in the LUXURY TEMPTATION project, exhibition catalogue, project catalogue.
2009 - personal issue-related exhibition, Consulate General of Ukraine in Shanghai, China.
2009 - personal issue-related exhibition, Embassy of Ukraine in the Peoples Republic of China.
2009 - personal issue-related exhibition, Wuxi, China.
2009 - personal issue-related exhibition, Academy of Fine Art and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2009 – exhibition, China.
2009 - exhibition, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2010 - exhibition, London.
Participant of The Painters of Ukraine Project, 2008.
Since 2007 he works as a teacher of higher and undergraduate classes in the children school of art No.9 in the city of Kyiv. The teacher’s activity motivates thinking over the inner creativity processes and over the reasons of pictural art arising. The canvases are performed in the traditions of realistic painting academic school, characterized by drawing directly from nature and plaine-air, that gives a possibily to render the depth of the inner world of the represented objects. His works are in the private collections of Ukraine, Russia, the USA, Canada, the Grait Britain, China, Holland and other countries of the world. With the exception of Ukraine and Russia, the canvases are exhibited on the Kristian, Chelsey’s Public Sale in London.
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