Kravchenko Vitaly Stepanovich

Was born 05.02.1924 village Sverdelikovо Kirovograd region. He Graduated from the Kharkov state art institute (1950). The teachers of the speciality O. Кокеl, A. Dayts, E. Svetlichny M. Deregus. Works in the field of painting, graphics. Major works: іл. to the story "a Musician" T. Shevchenko (1961), "G. Skovoroda" (1967), "a Generous summer" (1968), "Niva-fallow lands" (1989), "B. Khmelnytsky" (1991). Member NUAU (1956). The honored worker of arts of Ukraine (1995). Awarded the order of Patriotic war of the first degree. (1985), medals.

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