Kutniak Ruslan Oleksandrovich

was born in Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine) 10.01.1967 .He graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State Art School (1983-1987.)Ukrainian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Painting, Kiev (1987-1994.).Studied: School of Fine Art Cheltenhem Glostershire College of Art (1992)(England).Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine.AwardsPremio Pittura Lorenzo il MagnificoBIENNALE INTERNAZIONALE DELL `ARTE CONTEMPORANEA (Florence, 2003.) (Italy)Exhibition 2011 – ART-EXPO 2011 Ukraine. The project “Power and Money”(Ukrainian House)Kiev.- Auction “ Corners” №16. Kiev.- Auction “ Golden section”. Kiev. 2010 –“ Les Grandes Étoiles de Demain”(par JCAA b#19)Musée du Louvre(Carrousel).Paris.- Personal exhibition. The project “Power and Money”.Banknote Printing and MintingWorks of the National Bank of Ukraine. Kiev. 2009 –“ Fine Art Ukraine 2009,,. The project, Power and Money, (Ukrainian House). Kiev. - SALON D `AUTOMNE 2009 (Espace CHAMPERRET) Paris. 2008 - Art Exhibition, erogenous zone, (gallery Da Vinci) Kiev. - SALON D `AUTOMNE 2008 (Espace AUTEUIL) Paris. - Art Exhibition, Beatlemania, (gallery Da Vinci) Kiev. 2006 - The All-Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the professional holiday, “Day Artist”. (Union of Artists of Ukraine). Kiev. -“ Painting Kiev” (Ukraine AU). Kiev. Exhibition Section of Painting AU Ukraine. Kiev. - All-Ukrainian art exhibition, Christmas,, (AU Ukraine). Kiev. 2005 -,, Painting Kiev” (Ukraine AU). Kiev. Exhibition Section of Painting AU Ukraine. Kiev. 2003 - BIENNALE INTERNAZIONALE DELL `ART CONTEMPORANEA (Florence, Italy). - All-Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the professional holiday, “Day Artist”.(Union of Artists of Ukraine). Kiev. 2002 - Personal exhibition (Art Museum) Dnepropetrovsk. - Exhibition of young artists, dotted the future, (Art Museum), Dnipropetrovsk. - Festival, Culture hero, personal art project, the thread of Ariadne, (Art Museum), Dnipropetrovsk. 2001 - The All-Ukrainian Triennial,, Painting 2001, (AU Ukraine). Kiev. 2000 - International Art Festival (Ukrainian House). Kiev. - All-Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the professional holiday, Day of the Artist, (Union of Artists of Ukraine). Kiev. -,, Elite XXI century, (National complex, Expocentre of Ukraine,,). Kiev. 1999 - Art vystavka.Otkrytie French Cultural Center. Dnipropetrovsk. - International Art Festival (Ukrainian House). Kiev. - All-Ukrainian art exhibition, Autumn-99, (AU Ukraine). Kiev. 1998 - The All-Ukrainian Triennial,, Painting 1998, (AU Ukraine). Kiev. - International Art Festival (Ukrainian House). Kiev. -“ Ukrainian artists”, (Ukrainian Institute of New York). USA. 1997 - Art Exhibition, 1+1,. TV Company,, 1+1,. (Kievska City Art Gallery,, Laurus,,). Kiev. - Art exhibitions (AU Dnipropetrovsk). Dnipropetrovsk. 1995 - Second International Biennial of contemporary Ukrainian art, Pan-Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. - Personal exhibition, Sexy sword of the victorious proletariat,. (Form-Art Gallery). Kiev. 1994 - The All-Ukrainian art exhibition (AU Ukraine). Kiev. - All-Ukrainian art exhibition, Sport in the visual arts, (Union of Artists of Ukraine). Kiev. 1993 - Ukrainian Art Spring Exhibition (AU Ukraine). Kiev. - Third International Biennial,, Impreza-93,,. Ivano-Frankivsk. 1992 - Personal exhibition (Departament of Visual & Performens Art). Cheltenhem. England. - Youth Exhibition, Summer,, (AU Ukraine). Kiev. 1991 - Ukrainian Art Spring Exhibition (AU Ukraine). Kiev. - Exhibition of Ukrainian Art,, EDNIST ,. See. (The Ukrainian Museum of Fine Arts). Kiev.
The works on this site:
01 "Мagic of dreams" 2008, Oil on canvas, cm 150х200
02 "Apocryphon. Tintoretto Passion" 2001, Oil on canvas, cm 147х175
03 "Oh, my thoughts .." 2013, Oil on canvas, cm 35x50
04 "E2 - E4" 2009, Oil on canvas, cm 95х150
05 "Under the sun veil" 2010, Oil on canvas, cm 130х100
06 Design Elements. Air. The eternal calm, he Lonhot `yehan, Polar Urals, the Shroud of Turin. 2012. Oil on canvas, cm 105х200
07 "And for dessert there are melons from Murillo" 2000, Oil on canvas, cm 120х112
08 "Gourmets spaces" 2005, Oil on canvas, cm 150х200
09 "On Golden Wings sat ..." 2001, Oil on canvas, cm 130х11
10 "Dream of the Red" 2010, Oil on canvas, cm 65х120
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