Lyhoshva Mykola Petrovich

Lyhoshva Mykola Petrovich was born on the 8th of October in 1934, in Moryntzy-Hniletz village of Zvenihorodskyy region of Cherkaska area. He graduated from the Kyiv National academy of imitative arts and architecture. Lecturers: The professors Trohimenko Karpo Demjanovich and Syrotenko Oleksander Ivanovich
Painter. Lyhoshva Mykola is a member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine. The Artist works in different genres, but dominating one is historical themes and dedicated to Shevchenko. Set of works on painting and graphic arts” The Land which Taras strolled barefoot” is a part of Shevchenko thematics. The artist himself belongs to the genealogy of T.G. Shevchenko (the artist’s mother Olyna Davudivna Lyhoshva is a T.G.Shevchenko’s great granddaughter in relation to his brother Mykita) and spent childhood and studied at Morinscka secondary school where the poet was born.
Lyhoshva Mykola Petrovich works as a senior lecturer of pictorial art department in Kyiv State M. Bojchuk institute of design and applied art. Excellent of Education of Ukraine.
Work on the site:
1. "East - West are together", 2005, masonite Oil on canvas, 130x90
2. "Lyrics", 1990, oil on canvas, 50x60
3. "Oh, my holy family", 2014, masonite Oil on canvas, 110x80
4. "Freedom of Speech", 2014, masonite Oil on canvas, 80x10
5. "Path of Zbruch", 1994, Cortona, oil, 23x29
6. "What we fought," 2004, hardboard, oil, 80x100
7. "Taras Path", 2004, oil on canvas, 60x80
8. "Echoes of Time", 1991, oil on canvas, 60x80
9. "For ravine ravine", 1998, Cortona, oil, 42x35
10. "Trooyandy", oil on canvas, 42x30
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