Malinka Viktor Oleksandrovich

Was born in a small town of Taganrog, Rostov province, Russia, on August 17, 1935.
1952 - 1957 - studied at Rostov Art School, department of oil painting. Teachers: I.Charsky, E. Charsky.
1967 - graduated from the book workshop of Kyiv State Art Institute. Teachers: V. Kasyan, V. Chebanyk (famous graphic artists).
1966 - 1968 - artistic editor of the "Molodist" publishing house.
Cooperated with many publishing houses of Ukraine for 25 years.
Participated in regional, town, republican, all-USSR and international art exhibitions.
Is an acting member of the National Association of painters of Ukraine since 1970.
One of the most brilliant graphic artists and painters, an active figure of contemporary Ukrainian art.
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