Samokhin Volodymyr Kalistratovich

Born in 1938 in Kansk (Russia) in the family of an military officer. In 1965 he graduated from Kyiv State Academy of Arts (painting class). Now he works as a teacher in Republican Artistic college (Kyiv).
He is the member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1974. He lives and works in Kyiv. Being a participant more than 40 international and all-Ukrainian exhibitions and actions. In 2004 he had his personal exhibition in the Central house of Artists of Ukraine (Kyiv). His works were bought by Ukrainian museums Ministry of Art, board of exhibition of the Nation Union of artists of Ukraine and private collectors of Germany, France, Italy, Israel, Greece, Russia and Ukraine.
He works in a traditional realistic manner, in portrait, in landscape, (using oil painting technique, pastel), continuing Ukrainian academic school traditions of painting. His paintings are filled with lyrical emotions, feelings, well thought out composition and masterly skills. The painter is very popular with the modern spectators and art-galleries.
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