Smykovsky Petro Ivanovych

1961 Born June 3 in Rudnya Povch village, Luhyn district, Zhytomyr region
1976 Finished eight classes of Rudnya Povch school
1967-77 Studying in Zhytomyr Art School. Teachers – V.M. and M.V. Shkurynski
1977-81 Studying in Zheleznogorsk Art Training School. Specialty “Painter-teacher”. Teacher – T.M. Yegorov
1981 All-Union Art Exhibition of diploma works. Moscow. The painting "Bread to Partisans"
1981-83 Army service
1984-90 Studying in Ukrainian Institute of Polygraphy named after Ivan Fedorov. Specialty “Graphic artist”. Teacher – O.I. Miklovda
1990 Ukrainian Spring Art Exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine". Poltava. The painting “The Zherev river”
1992 National art exhibition dedicated to the I Ukrainian Artists’ Congress. Kyiv. The painting “Grandpa Holub from Gamarnya”
1993 Ukrainian Spring Art Exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine". Sumy. The painting “Self Portrait”
1997 Ukrainian Spring Art Exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine". Kherson. The painting “Eternity”
2000 National art exhibition dedicated to Artist Day. Kyiv. The painting “Sunset”
2004 Solo art exhibition of paintings. Kyiv. Museum of books and printing of Ukraine
2005 National art exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Kyiv
2006 Ivano-Frankivsk Art Museum. Exhibition of paintings. The painting “The Cathedral of the Assumption”, “Rylsk. Warm recollection”
2006 Chernivtsi Art Museum. Exhibition of paintings. The painting “The Cathedral of the Assumption”, “Rylsk. Warm recollection”
2006 Solo art exhibition of paintings. Kyiv. “Pecherska” Gallery
2007 Ukrainian Spring Art Exhibition "Picturesque Ukraine". Ternopil. The painting “Morning. Old house”
2008 Solo art exhibition of paintings. Kyiv. Museum of books and printing of Ukraine
2010 National art exhibition dedicated to 70th anniversary of Union of Artists of Ukraine. Kyiv. The painting "Faith"
Solo art exhibition of paintings. Kyiv. National museum of literate of Ukraine.
Art exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary Kyivs’ territorial organizations of National union Artists’ of Ukraine. Kyiv. The painting “Gurzuf motif”
Ukrainian Cristmas Spring Art Exhibition. Kyiv. The painting “Chronicler”
National art exhibition dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Kyiv . The painting “Protecting the Motherland”
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