Mazhuga Oksana Oleksandrivna

The date of birth: 5 january of 1978 year
The place of birth: the city of Kyiv
The edukation places:
- The art-industrial technikal secondary school of Kiyv, the department of graphic design, 1995 - 1998
- The National Akademy of fine arts and arkhitekture, the department of graphic design, 1998 - 2004
- The post-graduate education in the National Akademy of fine arts and arkhitektyre, the department of graphic design, 2004 - 2007
Exhibitions and works:
- All-Ukraine exhibition of paintings for the Painter Day, Kyiv, 2000 year, the work: « The birth of Earth and Water», litography
- All-Ukraine exhibition of paintings: «Vesnyana», 2002 year. The work: « The Spring is coming…», litography
- The Kyiv competition of social poster: «To live among people, with people, as a man». 2003 year. The third prize. The poster: «Every day with you!»
- All-Ukraine exhibition of type, 2004 year. Golden diploma. The type: « Aikido», the poster: «Aikido», the poster: «The letter G»
- The Moskow international biennal of graphik designe «The Golden Bee», 2004 year, the poster: «The letter G» from the project «Abetka», which was creaded by creative group of studentes and post-graduated students of the National Akademy of fine arts and architektyre
- Participant of the project fo the Eurovision «Coca-Cola-muzic – be consolidated with world», 2005 year. The graphik compositiones: «Trembita», «Bandyra», «Music»
- Participan of the exhibition of the young Union of designes of Ukraine. Posters: «Evgen Konovalec», «Dmutro Doncov», «Sumon Petlura», 2006 year
- Ukrainian festival of graphic design: Three pointes», Cherkasu, 2009 year. Golden diploma in the nomination: «Who we are» for poster: «Nadmirne plekannya inozemnoi movu shkodut tvoij derzhavi»
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