Kush-Katrakis Khristina Anatliyvna

Born December 16, 1980
M.F.A. - Master of Arts Degree (equivalent doctoral research degree). Studio Arts (May 2005 Thesis: It's Odyssey, Jed Jackson) University of Memphis;
MA Master of Arts Degree. Studio Arts (2003), State University of Arkansas;
BFA BA (Arts) (2002, Magna Cum Laude), State University of Arkansas;
B.A. BA (Arts) (2001, Magna Cum Laude), State University of Arkansas;
Additional education
1998-2000 Ukrainian National Academy of Educational Art and Architecture, Kyiv. Rate of history and archeology, Kyiv National Shevchenko University, Kyiv;
1996-1998 Art, art, anatomy - courses in Europe (Sorbonne, Paris and Lorenzo di Medici Academy, Florence);
1995-1998 Secondary education in the arts - State Art School named. T. Shevchenko Kyiv (Gold Medal);
1993-1995 Nicholas Catholic School, Chicago, USA;
1993 School of Art Eco Glen, Maryland, USA;
1992-1993 International English Institute of Foreign Languages, Washington, USA;
"Freedom to Create (creative freedom) - The Zone (Zone)" - winner of the United Nations Office in the arts Freedom to create (creative freedom); - 2009
Teaching Experience
2013 President, Professor of International Academy of Arts (http://www.internationalacademyofarts.com/);
2011- 2012 Lectures on art history, art criticism and contemporary art - Museum of Contemporary Art;
2010 - 2011 Lectures on the History of Art, art history and contemporary art, curator, owner, Katrakis Gallery (www.katrakisgallery.com);
2010 Painting, drawing and art history, Art Center MBG Art Center, Memphis. Painting, drawing and art history, Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis (Fall) (www.brooksmuseum.org);
2007 History of Art, educational tour, Greece;
Figure 2004-2006, structural drawing / anatomy, painting, watercolor, University of Memphis;
2003-2004 Art (drawing and painting), Assistant Professor, State University of Arkansas;
2000-present Private tutor with art director and instructor programs Private Academy of Arts Kallista, Greece and the United States;
curatorial activities
2013 Curator international forum TEDx (Vatican)
2012 Curator of international projects Christie's Fine Art Auction;
2011 - 2012 Curator Art Fund Voronov Museum;
2011 curated gallery, Mironova Gallery (www.mironova-gallery.com);
2010 curated gallery owner, Katrakis Gallery (www.katrakisgallery.com);
2005-2012 curatorial activities exhibitions in museums and galleries in the US and abroad (auction Christie's East European Branch, Brooks Museum of Art, USA, Caelum Gallery, NY, Kouros Gallery, NY, Art Museum of Memphis, Anna Tzarev Gallery, NY , UIMA museum of Modern Art, Chicago, etc);
2011- 2012 "The Chronicles of Dark Paths", art director, Hollywood films and television programs, directed by Mary Lambert (Hollywood, Los Angeles and Berlin, Germany) 2011-2012 (http://www.darkpathchronicles.com/) and ( http: / /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Lambert);
2012 "Creating Passion", art director, and ideas, plot, Italian short film production - Mauro Caleb (Rome, Italy), directed by Manfred summer (Milan, Italy), (www.manfredoleteo.com), director Stefano Bini ( Florence, Italy) 2012 (www.stefanobini.com);
She worked as an artist on projects manager, co-producer of the channel PBS, USA (http://www.pbs.org/) and the Renaissance Center (http://www.rcenter2.org/) (winner of 5 awards Emmy awards ) over the production of cultural education programs;
2010-2012 Documentary and Fiction "Zone" (art director, creative consultant, co-writer and co-producer), together with film director Mary Lambert, Visionaire Media (Hollywood, USA) http://www.visionairemedia.com /;
Current Projects
"Freedom to Create (creative freedom) - The Zone (Zone)" - winner of the United Nations Office in the arts Freedom to create (creative freedom), a series of paintings "Zone" won the prize UN «Freedom to Create» («creative freedom") and participated in a world tour (Egypt, New York, Paris, Bosnia, China, etc.), 2011 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_Create_Prize;
"The Chronicles of Dark Paths", art director, Hollywood films and television programs, rezhiccer Mary Lambert (Hollywood, Los Angeles and Berlin, Germany) 2011-2012 (http://www.darkpathchronicles.com/) and (http: / /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Lambert);
"Creating Passion", art director, and ideas, plot, Italian-made short film, directed by Manfred summer (Milan, Italy) 2012 (www.manfredoleteo.com);
Currently working on: Feelings and Dreams, Metamorphoses, The War (series of paintings).
The recent completion of a series of paintings: The Little Prince, and Zone Mapping, personal blog (series of paintings) (www.christinakatrakis.com); th Academy Kallista (private art academy, workshops), USA and Greece (www.kallistaacademy.com);
Documentaries and feature films (art director, creative consultant, co-writer and co-producer), together with film director Mary Lambert (Hollywood, USA) (http://www.visionairemedia.com/);
"Glow" (Global Project Chernobyl, Fukushima-) Coordinator (Kyiv, Ukraine 2011) (http://www.shine-projects.org/de/blog-frontpage/entry/the-chernobyl-fukushima-concert.html);
Paris Expo (Paris Expo)) - Exhibition of Modern Art, Paris, France (May 2012), published Paris Expo, Paris, France;
Genoa Cultural Center (Genoa Cultural Center) - Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Genoa, Italy (April - May 2012), published Genoa Cultural Center, Genoa, Italy;
International Spring Exhibition (International Spring Exhibition) Gallery Caelum Gallery, New York, December 2012, published Caelum Gallery, New York, USA;
Art Bosphorus (Bosphorus Art) - Contemporary Art Fair, Istanbul, Turkey, Publishing Art Bosphorus, Istanbul (March 2012);
Art Monaco (Monaco Art) - Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco, Monaco Publishing Art Monaco, Monaco (20 March 12);
Cape Town - Freedom to Create UN prize - art exhibition UN series of paintings "Zone" t aune Cape, South Africa, publishing UN Freedom to Create prize, Cape Town, South Africa (November 2011);
Art Houston (Houston Art) - Fair of Contemporary Art, Houston, Publishing Art Houston, USA (September 2011), submitted Mironova Gallery;
Art Moscow (Moscow Art) - Fair of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Publishing Art Moscow (September 2011), submitted Mironova Gallery;
China - Freedom to Create UN prize - art exhibition UN series of paintings "Zone" Hinyan, China, publishing UN Free dom to Create prize, China (November 2011);
Christie's Fine Art Auction Show (Exhibition of auction house Christie's) - catalog of auction house Christie's, published for the exhibition Christie's Fine Art Auction Show of contemporary Eastern European art and a series of photographs "Tree of Life" in Kiev, publishing Christie's Fine Art Auction House in London, United Kingdom presented at the exhibition in Kiev (April 2011);
Christina Katrakis - Photography (Christina Katrakis - Photo)) - 5 Series catalog of photographs issued by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyiv, Ukraine for the exhibition of photographs at Monaco Art Fai r (March 2011);
Art Monaco (Monaco Art) - Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco, Monaco Publishing Art Monac o, Monaco (March 2011);
Bosnia - Freedom to Create UN prize - art exhibition UN series of paintings "Zone", Bosnia Herzegovina, Europe, publishing UN Freedom to Create prize, Bosnia, Europe (April 2011);
FEPN - European festival of photography in the nude, Arles, France, Van Gogh Museum, publishing FEPN, Paris, France (May 2011);
New York - Freedom to Create UN prize - art exhibition UN series of paintings "Zone", New York, USA, publishing UN Freedom to Create prize, New York, USA (February 2011);
Slick - Fair of Contemporary Art, Museum of Modern Art, Paris, France, publishing Slick, Paris, France (October 2010);Cairo - Freedom to Create UN prize - art exhibition UN series of paintings "Zone", Cairo, Egypt, publishing UN Freedom to Create prize, Cairo, Egypt (November 2010);
Pillow Book (Personal Blog), an exhibition, July-August 2010, the gallery Red Door, Plaka, Milos island, Greece, Publishing V-Gallery publications, Kyiv, Ukraine (July 2010);
Mapping it out - ca rtography of love (Cartography), an exhibition, June-July 2010, Gallery Summer Gallery, Adamas, Milos Island, Greece, Publishing V-Gallery publications, Kyiv, Ukraine (June 2010);
Neo-Symbolism: Bridges to the Unknown (Neo-Symbolism: Bridges in the unknown), Group Exhibition, May-June 2010, the Museum of Contemporary Art (UIMA), Chicago, USA (March 2010), published UIMA Museum of Modern Art, Chicago USA;
International Winter Exhibition (International Exhibition of Winter), Caelum Gallery, New York, December 2010, published Caelum Gallery, New York, USA;
Station Paris: Place.Time.Event (Stop Paris: Location. Time. Event) (catalog, brochure) Group Exhibition, May-June 2010, the Cultural Centre, Paris, France, publishing AS.EditProd & Caravansarai Publication, Paris, France (May 2010);
Chernobyl Hear (Chernobyl Heart) t, solo exhibition "Pri sm" («Prism") (catalog, brochure) solo exhibition, January-February, Art C Entry MBG Art Center, publishing ICHF publications, USA;
The Key: What's There? (Key: What's There?) (February 2010). Solo exhibition, publishing V-Gallery Publ ications, Kyiv, Ukraine;
What's There? (What's There?) Solo Exhibition (January 2010). Art Center V- Gallery & Butenko Art Center, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Ukraniano Vero. Solo Exhibition (December 2008-January 2009), Cultural Center "Ukrainian House", Kyiv, Ukraine;
2012 Paris Expo (Paris Expo) - Exhibition of Modern Art, Paris, France (May 2012);
Genoa Cultural Center (Genoa Cultural Center) - Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Genoa, Italy (April-May 2012);
International Spring Exhibition (International Exhibition of Winter) Gallery Caelum Gallery, New York, USA (April 2012);
Art Bosphorus (Bosphorus Art) - Contemporary Art Fair, Istanbul, Turkey (March 2012);
Art Monaco (Monaco Art) - Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco (20 March 12);
2011 Cape Town - Freedom to Create UN prize - art exhibition UN series of paintings "Zone" Exhibition Centre Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa (November 2011); Chernobyl Fukushima Project, a national project on Chernobyl, traveling exhibition, opening in Kyiv concert in Pripyat (October 2011);
Art Houston (Houston Art) - Fair of Contemporary Art, Houston, USA (September 2011);
Art Moscow (Moscow Art) - Fair of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia (September 2011);
China - Freedom to Create UN prize - art exhibition UN series of paintings "Zone" Hinyan, China (November 2011);
Christie's Fine Art Auction Show - Exhibition of Christie's Fine Art Auction Show of contemporary Eastern European art and photo series "Tree of Life" in
Kiev National Museum of Russian Art (April 2011); Mappin g it out (Mapping) - Melian Resort, Milos island, Greece (June 2011);
The Little Prince (The Little Prince) - personal exhibition, gallery Mironova Galler y, Kyiv, Ukraine, National Museum of Russian Art (May 2011);The Summer (Summer) - personal exhibition, gallery Pit Art Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine (April 2011); Art Monaco (Monaco Art) - Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco (March 2011);
Bosnia - Freedom to Create UN prize - National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, art exhibition UN series of paintings "Zone", Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe (April 2011);
F EP N - European festival of photography in the nude, Arles, France, Museum Van Gogh, Arles, France (May 2011);
New York - Freedom to Create UN prize - Gallery Anna Tzarev Gallery, an art exhibition of paintings UN series "Zone", New York (February 2011);
2010 Cairo - Freedom to Create UN prize - the National Museum and the Opera House, Cairo, UN art exhibition series of paintings "Zone", Cairo, Egypt (November 2010);H ristougena (Hristuhena) - Gallery Notos Gallery, Group Exhibition, Athens, Greece (10-28 December 2010);
Slick - Contemporary Art Fair, the Paris Museum of Modern Art, Paris, France (10-21 October 2010);
Caviar (black caviar), a painting exhibition, permanent exhibition, Art Museum Brooks M useum of Art, Memphis, USA (September 2010);
The Gaze (view), an exhibition gallery Zakharoula Gallery, Adamas, Milos island, Greece (July 27-August 28, 2010);
Byzantium (Byzantium), permanent exhibition, Cathedral of St. Nicholas, Firopotamos, Milos island, Greece (25 July 2010);
Pillow Book (My blog), an exhibition gallery Red Door Gallery, Plaka, Milos island, Greece (July 11-August 12, 2010);
Kartographia: Mapping it out (Cartography), an exhibition gallery Summer Gallery, Adamas, Milos island, Greece (June 10-July 15, 2010);
Voices (voice), an exhibition gallery Georgia Gallery, Adamas, Milos island, Greece (20 May-21 June 2010);
Eat It! (Eat it!) (Edible art). Solo exhibition, Botanical Gardens Memphis, USA (January 29, 2010); Prism (Prism), solo exhibition, Art Center MBG Art Center (January 28-27 fevralya2010), Memphis, USA;
International Winter Exhibition (International With imnyaya In ystavka) Gallery Caelum Gallery, New York (December 2010);
Faces (People), Ball Blues in Memphis, USA (5 December 2010);
MFMAU, Museum of Modern Art, the permanent exhibition (18 December-1 February 2010), Kyiv, Ukraine;2009 What's There? (What is it?), Solo Exhibition, Art Center Butenko, Kyiv, Ukraine (13 December-14 January 2010);
La Dolce Vita, solo exhibition, studio Domus, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Riding the Red Horse (Horse Red Horse), a painting exhibition, Art Center Butenko, Kyiv, Ukraine;
National Fine Art Show (National Exhibition of Fine Arts), group exhibition, cultural center Ukrainian House, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Viennese Ball (Viennese Ball), personal presentation of a picture "Red Riding Horse" National Opera House of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;
International Sculpture Show (International Sculpture Exhibition), a cultural center Ukrainian House, Kyiv Ukraine (3 March 2010);
Red Rider (red in sadnik), a painting exhibition, the annual Viennese Ball, Kyiv, Ukraine (14 March 2010);
8 th of March (March 8), an exhibition gallery Ultramarine, Kyiv, Ukraine (March 8, 2010) Ukraine;
2008 Ukraniano Vero !, Solo in a pond, and a cultural center Ukrainian House (Central Hall), Kyiv, Ukraine (December 16 - January 20);
Into the Luminous Future (In Bright Future), an exhibition, the Embassy of Ukraine, Washington, DC (August 2008);2005 Her Odyssey (Odyssey Her), protection master's thesis, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
Books (Brooks), University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
Volume I (Volume I), University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
World in Monochrome (monochrome World), permanent exhibition, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
Dinner With Sappho (Dinner with Sappho), University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
2004 The Icon (Icon), University of Memphis, Memphis, USA; Politically Erect (Politically excited), Gallery Delta Axis @ Marshall Arts Gallery, Memphis, USA;
Harvest of Sorrow (Harvest of Sorrow), University of Memphis, Memphis, USA; The Steppe (Steppe), book illustrations, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
2003 Odyssey (Odyssey), the first prize, 21 matched annual competition of student works, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA; Harvest (Harvest), University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
Eat, Eat! (Eat, eat!), Children's books in a single copy, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA; Basil (Cornflowers), children's book in a single copy, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
Katrakis Pot (Family Kazan Katrakis) illustrations of the cookbook, The University of Memphis, Memphis, USA; Vanishing Ukraine-The Amazons (Vanishing Ukraine - Amazon), photo and movie, The State University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA
2002 Atlantis (Atlantic so), multi-media project - playing Minoan Era (frescoes, pottery, sculpture, costumes, music, dance, installation, perfume and video materials), State University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA
2001 Gallery Buddy Howell Gallery, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
2000 Gallery Sara Howell Gallery, Yonesboro, Arkansas, USA
1996-1998 Personal and group exhibitions in France (Paris, Nice, Cannes), Italy (Rome, Florence, Naples, Genoa), Holland (Amsterdam, Antwerp), Belgium (The Hague), Germany (Berlin, Munich, Bonn, Nuremberg) and Ukraine (Kyiv);
Pictures (made on personal request)
A series of works "Zone" - UN Prize «Freedom to Create» («creative freedom"), a collection UN creative freedom. (2010-2011);
Milos, a series of paintings Kartographia: Mapping it out (Cartography), Milos island, Greece (2011);
St. Nicholas Church, canonical murals, Milos, Greece (2009-2010);
Christ Pantokrator (Hristor Pantocrator), the altar, Episcopal Church of Sts. Timothy, USA (2007);
Icons (great work), the Museum of the Ukrainian Orthodox Consistory, Bound Brook, New Jersey, USA (2002);
Portraits of Presidents (Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma, President - Prime Minister), Kyiv, Ukraine (1998-99);
Frescos Ligurian region, Italy (1998);
Private portraits (1998-present);Recent public presentations and lectures:
"Pop Art" gallery Mironova Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine (18 September 2011);
"Cartography", Museum of Art Brooks (Brooks Museum of Art), USA (8 September 2010); "Zone", Museum of MBG, USA (28 January 2010); "Riding the Red Horse" Butenko Center, Kyiv, Ukraine (14 December 2009); "Art Through the Epochs" («Art through the ages"), Botanical Gardens Memphis, Memphis, United States (16 November 2009); "Greek Fire" («Greek Fire"), University of Memphis, Memphis, USA (12 April 2009); "Greek Fire" («Greek Fire"), State University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA (9 April 2009); "Following the Path of the Argo" («footsteps Argo"), State University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA (November 10, 2008);
Written and published works
"Her Odyssey" («It's Odyssey"), essays on art history, 2005, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
"Modern-Post Modern" («From modernism to post-modernism"), essays on art history, 2005, University of Memphis, Memphis, USA;
"Ghent Altarpiece" («Ghent Altar"), essays on art history, 2004, the State University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA
"Symbolism" («Symbolism"), essays on art history, 2004, the State University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA
"Atlantis" («Atlantis»), CD, video and a book of poetry, 2003, State University of Arkansas, Arkansas, USA
Ana Tzarev Gallery (New York);
Kouros Gallery (New York);
Caelum Gallery (New York);
Agora Gallery (New York);
Amst e rdam Gallery (New York);
Ward Ness Gallery (New York);
UIMA Gallery (Chicago, USA);
Tais Galerie (Paris, France);
Mironova Gallery (Kyiv, Ukraine);
V-Gallery (Europe and Australia);
Galerie Duboys (Paris, France);
Notos Gallery (Athens, Greece);
Notos Gallery (Athens, Greece);
Personal information
Born in a family with a rich heritage and history: grandfather
maternal line - the last king of Georgia and Armenia (royal
Bagrationi family and Dadyany) and Lithuanian prince royal family
(Royal family Gediminas Jagiello) - Simon Bagration Dadyany Gediminas
Pilkiv, his maternal grandmother was Isabella de Savoy
of royalties savoyiski kings of Piedmont and Sardinia.
Maternal grandmother - Polish-Ukrainian countess,
Evelina Hanska granddaughter Countess, wife of Honoré de Balzac.
Parents line: father - a famous sculptor Anatoly Bush
(Katrakis) with Cretan family of artists, his cousins - Manos
Katrakis - famous Greek actor;
Works Online:
1. Ego - Confusion_1 - mix / media (sculpture interaktyvnya), 2008,12x10x10 in
2. Ego - Confusion_2 - mix / media (sculpture interaktyvnya), 2008,12x10x10 in
3. Ego - Confusion_3 - mix / media (sculpture interaktyvnya), 2008,12x10x10 in
4. Romantique 1 - mix / media, 2008, 12x12x6 in
5. Romantique 2 - mix / media, 2008, 12x12x6 in
6. Romantique 3 - mix / media, 2008, 12x12x6 in
7. revolution - Medium / Gold 24k, 2008, 4x8x4 in
8. revolution close - Medium / Gold 24k, 2008, 4x8x4 in
9. crate close - Restructuring, mixed media / Gold 24K, 2008, 9x9x2 in
10.cosmonaut close - astronaut, mixed media / gold 24k, 2008, 9x9x2 in
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