Brilyov Sergey Vladimirovich

Was born in 1974 the city of Kiev. Studied:1986-1992 Republican Art School of T.G.Shevchenko, 1992-1998 National Academy of the Fine arts and Architecture, postgraduate study 1998-2001г.master a skulptury.2000-member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Participation in vystavkah:1993-2007 Vseukrainsky artistic exhibitions the Central house of the artist Kiev, Trienale of the Sculpture 1999year, 2002year, 2005year, 2008year,2003-New generation the Central house of the artist the city of Moscow.personal and 30 group exhibitions. Works preserve in private collection:USA, Denmark, Switzerland, South Korea, Germany, Austria, Canada, Russia to Valentine Tereshkovoj, the Museum of a city history of Kiev, Museum of local lore Vyshgoroda is proud.
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