Lelechenko Dimitriy Evgeniyovich

Member of Ukrainian National Association of artists
Was born in Odessa, at the 5th of February,1972, in a family of sculptor's Eugeniy Lelechenko.
1983 - 1987 School of Art under the Grekov Art College in Odessa
1990 - 1995 Grekov Art College in Odessa
1998 - 2004 The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (Kiev)
From 1992 active participant in Ukrainian, regional and local art exhibitions. Participant in art exhibition devoted to Odessa founded 200 years ago and to Grekov Art College in Odessa founded 125 years ago.
Art activity:
- Ice Sculpture Competition at the Mikhailovskaya Square in 2000 (Kiev)
- Summer Symposium 2000 in Odessa
- took a part in creation monuments:
"Golodomor" (2002, The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management)
"Svyatoslav" (2003, The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management)
"Yaroslav Mudriy" (2004, The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management)
decoration of public buildings:
- "Peter Lik" photo gallery (Kiev)
- entertaining complex "Avalon"
- entertaining complex "1812"
- entertaining complex "Tropiki" ( Krivoy Rog )
- restaurant "FreeDom"
- casino "Grant Victoria"
- shop"Birma"
- shop "Ukon"
- coffee house "Coffee house on Maidan"
- travel agency "Sindbad"
- "Ra"
- "Belfast"
- "Berezka"
- "Vagon-Restaurant"
- "Zdorovenki Buly"
- "Korsar"
- "Kolhida"
- "Mambo"
- "Marshe"
- "Parmesan"
- "Peshera"
- "Fiji"
- "Soho"
- "PiaF"
- "Pavlin"
- "Opium"
Disign project :
- "Admiral club" (Irpen)
Art works placement in private collections in Ukraine, Museum of Modern Art (Kiev) also in foreign countries such as Russia, Switzerland, Vatican.
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