Shvetsov Valery Valentinovich

Was born 25.05.1940, the village Stergres (smt Shterovkа) of the Lugansk region. Graduated from the Kyiv state art institute (1966). Teachers at the speciality - V. Lucak, A. Gorskaya, G. Lysenko, In. Boroday. Works in the field of easel and monumental sculpture. Major works: monument "Mendeleev",  Kiev (1995), the order of Yaroslav the Wise" (1995), monument "Andrey Pervozvanniy",. Kiev (1999), "P. Sahaidachny",  Kiev (2000), "Krushelnytska was"coin of the national Bank of Ukraine. Member NUAU (1974). The honored worker of arts of Ukraine (1981).

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