Storozhenko Nikolay Andreevich

In 1956, graduated from Kyiv fine arts institute, where he studied on a faculty in S.Grigorev, М.Sharonova, T. Yablonska.
In 1958 1973 was on creative work.
Works in easel and monumental-decorative painting and book graphics. It has a breadth of outlook, the diversity of thinking and emotional embodiment of the theme. Mastery of technical means, perfect knowledge of their technological features define the basis of formal solutions of works in accordance with the purpose and spiritual fullness shaped building.
Works: easel painting - "the First shoots. Agronomist" (master's thesis, 1956), "Berezki" (1964), "Mother" (1992), "Orpheus and Eurydice" (1992 - 1993), "Son of God" (1994); monumental-decorative art (mosaic) - "Kyiv-Mohyla academy ХVII-18TH centuries" .and "Lvov staropygiyne brotherhood ХVI-ХVIII article.", Kiev (1969), "Illumination light", Kiev (1979 - 1981), "scythian Ukraine. Ellada steppe", the Azure of the Crimean Autonomous Republic (1990 - 1992), the painting of the church of nikola Pritiska in Kiev (1997 - 2000); book graphics - "Geese-swans" М.Stelmakhа (1966), "IN the catacombs" L.Ukrainki (1971), "Fata morgana" М.Коtsubinski (1977), "Bulgarian folk tales" (1979), "Ukrainian folk fairy tales" (1981 - 1985).
At pedagogical work in the National academy of fine arts and architecture works since 1973, 1989 - professor at the chair of painting and composition; in 1993 he headed the newly created educational-creative studio of painting and church culture.
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